that looks great. I know when I was looking for the 4Runner both the 'runner and DC were difficult to find. The sales folks I talked with said they are often sold before they make it out of refurb, so it was rare to see them on the lot.
If you are decided on a Taco, I'd say grab one (talk to Mark in San Diego for a super sweet one, and a heck of a road trip too) when you see it if it works.
Another idea from the peanut gallery - JK's will start showing up on the lot used in the next few months. You could possibly get a great deal on one of them.
I love my 4Runner (it's gold - would have preferred several other colors - but do like this one), but my favorite 4wd I've owned in many ways is still my little Samurai. Living in the SW, there is nothing like running with the top off especially on the trail. With a family though, the creature comforts and security of something like the 4Runner are much more advantageous.
So, maybe what I'm saying is buy it now on ebay. It looks clean and I don't think you'd regret it. It is a solid, reliable and capable platform (as you well know).
but then again, doing a search of my local jeep dealer, a JK, 4wd, X is in stock for 23K ... not much difference in price and plenty capable out of the box.
Tough call, go with whichever gets the heart racing .... it's no fun driving something you just aren't excited about.:clapsmile