What is the best headlight and horn replacement for 60/62?

So as some of you know the stock headlights on the FJ60 are a bit of a joke as far as candlepower goes. Before driving to Panama we replaced the headlights with Hella's, which work quite well; however, they are not sealed and sure enough after a couple of relatively deep river crossings we had fish bowls instead of headlights. Now the reflective surface is worthless. So before I head back to Central America I want new Headlights and preferably sealed bright ones. Any ideas? (just stock replacements)

And to add a little something extra to the thread... The horn on 60's is a joke, it sounds like a bumper car at a fair at best. I need something loud and with presence. I was looking at Hella's, they make the Supertone, the trumpet and the Air horns... any feedback out there?

I am flying back to my 60 in Costa Rica sometime in November and would like to have these items with me before I leave, please help me decide.


El Gringo Spectacular!
I had a set of Hella replacements on my 84 FJ60 that rocked! Highly recommend them.



A set of clear lenses from Roundeyes.com. Relatively cheap and perform great.

Another option is to do an HID conversion on a pair of Hella 4000's. HID kits can be had for less than $60 on eBay.


Thanks David I had never heard of this Round Eyes company, is quality and durability good?

BTW That is one of the nicest Landcruisers I have ever seen.


I'm using the Hella replacements powered by an upgraded wiring harness made by Erik (SLCFJ62 on IH8MUD) and absolutely LOVE them. A bit of money spent in this dept, but it was well worth it for the upgraded night vision. I'm also running a set of Bosch horns that I brought back from Japan with me (also powered by Erik's harness), and they are LOUD. I actually feel bad using them at times because I forget the impact they have on people. Hehe...


EDIT: Apparently, I don't read very well. I see, now, that you didn't like the Hellas, and I haven't dipped mine in water to see how they'd hold up. I hope you can find a housing that works better for you. I still HIGHLY recommend Erik's harness upgrade. Here is a link to the website to purchase it. I use the "ultimate" one.

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Dave, I like how you mounted the ballast on your hundy, did that ever fall off from wheeling though?


The ultimate 7" round light might be the bixenon from the Mercedes G55. You don't want to know the retail. :Wow1:



Well-known member
The IPF setup is a very slick install and offers great lights, eliminates the common 'idle dim' issue and allows you plenty of bulb options. They have lens replacements for the 60 but not the US spec FJ62.


I had IPFs that I really liked but shattered them ( thermal shock) using high watt bulbs while immersing them in water. Same story for the Hellas.

Decided to move to something cheaper and have been really happy. Haven't had any trouble in 3 years and they were about $30 each from the Freightliner dealer. (open 24 hours)

Trucklite TL27005





I like that option. Might just have to give them a try on my 60. Are they an H4 bulb, or one of the 9000 series?

The Trucklites are H4 with a pretty good rubber cover. I don't bother with relays since my rig is 24Volts.


Expedition Leader
If you're thinking of HID conversions in halogen housings keep in mind that they are illegal in all states in the US. The only way to legally convert to HID is complete HID bulb, housing and lens units.


The IPF setup is a very slick install and offers great lights, eliminates the common 'idle dim' issue and allows you plenty of bulb options. They have lens replacements for the 60 but not the US spec FJ62.

When I had my 60, I had an upgraded harness. I also had IPF headlamps and IPF 60/80 bulbs purchased from Kurt/CruiserOutfitters. I had wanted Cibie headlamps as I had heard they were even better, but had trouble obtaining them. Turned out it didn't really matter as the IPFs were terrific.

Frankly, with the harness and IPF setup, I don't think you can get any better out of a traditional headlamp. The harness and headlamps are probably the biggest upgrades. If you want to save money, I'd say save it on bulbs. But my setup was better than any non-HID car I've driven in, in terms of output and quality. Best $200ish I spent on my FJ60.

As far as horns - I've heard good things about Stebel (sp?) horns. I went with Hella Twintones (not Supertones) on my 80. They were cheap ($30) and now my 80 has a normal horn.

Nothing earth shaking, but a good solid horn sound like and older American Truck. Good cheap upgrade unless you're looking for a "scare the living **** out of the driver in front of you horn."
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