What makes Expedition Portal different - and valuable


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
devinsixtyseven said:
everyone here seems blessed with an uncommon helping of patience, understanding, tolerance, and common sense :beer:.

...and i am hoping some of it rubs off on me :D.


Hi Sean! The only thing we don't have patience, understanding, and tolerance for is impatience, refusal to understand (others have legitimate points of view), and intolerance. Common sense is debatable.:p Beer is a given. Welcome!


Perpetual Transient
I hadn't replied in this thread and wanted to throw in a few words. First off, thanks to Scott and all the mods who make this site what it is (that would be great entertainment, informational resource, and just plain good mental food for daydreaming).

For me this forum is great becasue its more about the adventure in general. We all have different reason we enjoy the treks we do. It is awesome to have a place where everyone who seemingly enjoys the outdoors in MANY different ways and has a shared love of travel and adventure can socialize, share their experiences, and inspire others. This is more then just a form of recreation for me, and most of you here, its a lifestyle.

Happy New Year to all, let 2007 bring lots of new adventures.


Late to the party...

This forum is the best. The reasons for me are:

1. Very accepting group of folks. Few insults, little arrogance, and a willingness to share permeates the forum

2. Very knowledgeable! If I go to my local 4x4 shop and I ask a techical question, I almost alwasy get an uninformed answer, one that directs me to the item with the most markup, or worst of all, a blank stare. The contributors in this forum depend on their vehicles to be dependable and well engineered and the knowledge runs deep and is based off of personal experience.

3. There seems to be a focus on rugged, simple, functional, and efficient (for expeditions) modifications more for hard use that bling. (A little bling is nice though).

You guys rock!


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