Authorization to carry
In general, the only firearms allowed for wilderness protection are non-restricted rifles and shotguns.
However, Canadian residents may be authorized to carry a handgun or restricted long gun for wilderness protection or for lawful occupational purposes if they:
- are licensed to possess restricted firearms
- are a licensed professional trapper
- need protection from wild animals in their job
Transporting safety – ATT
Non-restricted firearms must be unloaded during transportation.
For restricted and prohibited firearms:
- unload them
- attach secure locks
- lock them in a strong, non-transparent container
- obtain an Authorization to Transport
If you must leave any class of firearm in an unattended vehicle:
- lock them in the trunk or in a similar lockable compartment
- put secured firearms and firearm containers out of sight and lock the vehicle
Firearms safety tips and advice to help keep Alberta’s communities safe and secure.
You can bring a valid firearm across the border as well: