what's a d4d?


Expedition Leader
diplomatic imports do not have to comply with anything to receive federalization and US issued VIN.

the only question that really matters, is what the belgians did at the sale... and i suppose if the buyer nitwitted it up. you can send that VIN to the dot right now and have answer back in 2 hours as to its "illegal alien/undocumented immigrant" status. there literally is a woman that sits at a desk, answers a phone, and punch it up. i believe i posted the number here a couple years ago.


if its an embassy import with a US VIN, its US legal. diplomatic cars are a loophole. if he has a Bill of Sale, he ought to be able to sort this out. i find it hard to believe the buyer didnt get a title transfer from the flemmish, but you ought to be able to track that down.

I'm not sure I like the look of those...it's like a normal 4Runner got into an accident and became smushed. Probably because of the gigantic rear side glass.

Anyway, does a D4D engine communicate with a conventional OBDII scanner? If so, you are probably looking at one of the sweetest Taco/4Runner engine swap candidates out there. Aside from cool factor of just having it...I would probably pass. Even if you do the swap, parts will not be quick to come by simply because the engine doesn't exist state side. Another major thing going against you is that even though the truck physically sits right in front of you doesn't mean it came in legally or has the necessary paperwork. It may have been an "embassy" import but it simply doesn't comply with EPA and DOT regs. Unless you plan on spending the kind of coin it takes to swap over to DOT compliant lights, lenses, glass, cluster, etc. and prove that it meets emissions (including fuel filler, EVAP, tail, etc.), you would still have to crash test it to prove it is safe. I'm pretty sure only then will the DOT sign off on it. The only reason you could do this is because it is similiar to a chassis we already have, just shorter.

Even if you bypass all that BS and just manage to get it titled or registered in some shady state like Florida, the man eventually will find you. If he doesn't, you will be sweating big time if you get pulled over by a LEO that knows his stuff. The feds are cracking down hard core on grey market imports. Mostly stuff like Skylines and Defenders but it wasn't a cake walk like ten years ago. I think the more you research, the more you will find that it is damn near impossible to pull off "legally".

Now if you wanted to use this on a farm, incorporate it as an engine swap, build some kind of custom vehicle that you could get a custom tag/VIN applied to it...probably much better off than a daily driver.

Either way, cool truck and I'd drool over it if I saw one in person too!

diplomatic imports do not have to comply with anything to receive federalization and US issued VIN.

the only question that really matters, is what the belgians did at the sale... and i suppose if the buyer nitwitted it up. you can send that VIN to the dot right now and have answer back in 2 hours as to its "illegal alien/undocumented immigrant" status. there literally is a woman that sits at a desk, answers a phone, and punch it up. i believe i posted the number here a couple years ago.

Guys SHHHHHHHHHH. Let me get it first then we can debate if it's legal. It's legal. As zimm stated it's here. That's step one. It's not stolen that's step two. 3rd is a bill of sale. That's all I need to OWN this. Never said I want to DRIVE it on the road legally. Yes Zimm that is my plan is to run the vin. If it's a legal alien I drive it. If not I put it in a bj70 or 1st gen 4runner on a salvage title. I don't care about resell and I can get parts very easy from Kurt. I'm calling the guy tmrw. Thank you to the gentleman who posted the dealer. Chances make champions.


Expedition Leader
i think the problem with the discussion with the 25 year rule.

there really arent any legal gray market work arounds anymore, just people thinking a lack of complete info to the scattered bureaucracy creates plausible deny ability.

this wasnt a 25 year rule truck OR attempt at a gray market fudgejob, from what the OP states... he states it has a US VIN. which means, some 14yo cheesy title or BOS wasnt presented and accepted in a state like maine or vermont that doesnt look at things 10 years or orlder. it means the federalization paperwork was done, and stamped in DC.

thats if the OP knows what hes looking at. i didnt see pics of a vin plate.


i think the problem with the discussion with the 25 year rule.

there really arent any legal gray market work arounds anymore, just people thinking a lack of complete info to the scattered bureaucracy creates plausible deny ability.

this wasnt a 25 year rule truck OR attempt at a gray market fudgejob, from what the OP states... he states it has a US VIN. which means, some 14yo cheesy title or BOS wasnt presented and accepted in a state like maine or vermont that doesnt look at things 10 years or orlder. it means the federalization paperwork was done, and stamped in DC.

thats if the OP knows what hes looking at. i didnt see pics of a vin plate.

Let them be clueless Zimm. Sometimes it amazes me. This truck passed customs legally and got a us vin. End of story. For now :)


The TRUTH about te car is as follows. Its a 2006 Prado with 56k miles. Guy won't take a penny less than 22,500. He's European, owns a house in Europe, and his son in law is a doctor here on a residency and is taking the car back when he goes back. They guy bought it off the Belgian Embassy. It's legally imported, he has a car green card for it, has a European title, has a bill of sale from Belgian embassy. He CHOSE not to go title it in the USA because it's not for sale. That's why no for sale sign. Now if someone wants to give him 22,500 it's a legal import with all the papers needed. It's an embassy vehicle, with all the proper paperwork. This isn't some clueless guy. He says he can auction it to the former Sovuet Union for 40 grand. He has Macedonians and Romanians an Albanians offering him money to send it back home to Europe. It's half price what it would be over there. The same car I just loked up is going for between 22 and 72k euro. It's a 3.0 4cyl diesel. It's a nice car. Be perfect t for someone's wife or daughter. He said he got about 27 mpg going 65 from Phoenix back to Wisconsin.

Btw the ph number posted is for the fax machine.
And the problem would be insuring it not titling it. It's perfectly legal to title and register. IF you can get insurance. Or write off 22 grand if totaled. Would need a real or fake proof of insurance to get a plate though.
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Yup. I was up all night and called at 9:01. I'm sad. :(. It was worth a try though. It's even worth 22 in a vacuum. I live in Detroit though.


Expedition Leader
diplomats cars are a grey area, normally yep they get local plates or diplo plates if a high enough grade, but usually the car leaves with the person who brought it in, ie they can keep it in the country, untill they leave to serve elsewhere

The prado swb is quite a capable little truck....they competed in the Funrace venezuela against 70 series trucks and held their own...

I had one in colombia..


If you want a 2 door prado (and the lack of a diesel is not a deal killer), just get a FJ cruiser... Cheaper, and no questions about legality/insurance/parts availability/looking like a RAV4...


diplomats cars are a grey area, normally yep they get local plates or diplo plates if a high enough grade, but usually the car leaves with the person who brought it in, ie they can keep it in the country, untill they leave to serve elsewhere

The prado swb is quite a capable little truck....they competed in the Funrace venezuela against 70 series trucks and held their own...

I had one in colombia..

When he bought the car from the embassy he had so many days to go make it official US legal. He didn't do that because he bought strictly with the intention of parking it in his garage in Belgium and using it on vacations. It's never had a for sale sign on it. He says he's turned down 19 recently. What are they worth he claims 40,000 euro to a Slovokian or a Polish or Romanian. He also said es had 3 police officers and two firemen come in and say they want to buy it and they can get it insured as their volunteer fire department or aux police vehicle.
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If you want a 2 door prado (and the lack of a diesel is not a deal killer), just get a FJ cruiser... Cheaper, and no questions about legality/insurance/parts availability/looking like a RAV4...

It was more like if I could get that for 4 grand and use it as an ORV or a swap. I am 6 2 wouldn't be fun to drive.

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