4. If ever attacked while in or near your vehicle, grab the heavy, still locked steel gun box and throw it at your assailant.
4. If ever attacked while in or near your vehicle, grab the heavy, still locked steel gun box and throw it at your assailant.
Of course the best plan is to not get stopped. In CA, best I can tell there is no legal way to carry a gun in my Jeep. I carry the gun in a locked case, separate the ammo and hope for the best. Most cops, especially in rural areas won't give you hard time unless you ask for one.
The other thing to worry about is mag capacity in some states and jurisdictions.
Its not everyone's cup of tea, but that is one reason I like a 6 shot .357 and a caliber matching lever action. Tons of fun to shoot, plenty adequate if pressed into defensive use, and no worries about mag capacity limitations, separate storage of magazines, etc. Lock your ammo in one box, guns in the other, good to go.
The other thing to worry about is mag capacity in some states and jurisdictions.
Its not everyone's cup of tea, but that is one reason I like a 6 shot .357 and a caliber matching lever action. Tons of fun to shoot, plenty adequate if pressed into defensive use, and no worries about mag capacity limitations, separate storage of magazines, etc. Lock your ammo in one box, guns in the other, good to go.
be careful not to shoot your "Richard" off if carrying concealed, that is probably the biggest risk and about the only way you will ever get caught.. it is fun to shoot stuff when boondocking almost anything will do but especially fun to shoot glass beer bottles..Old TV's are fun to shoot too as well as other appliances like refrigerators can be fun too..don't forget road signs.. of course with a small gun be careful as the bullet can ricochet and cause lots of damage if it hits you.
No dead serious a bullet can ricochet off a sign.....yes i am being sarcastic but i have seen all that garbage shot up here in my great state. Pretty sad indeed.I do hope that your suggestions are sarcasm, if not... that is weapons grade asinine.
Can we get back to the whole "throw your gun at the bad guy" thing?
That's smart thinking, but the best solution is always going to depend upon where you are. In some places, purchasing/possessing/carrying ANY handgun is a problem for civilians, even if it's a wheel gun.
And in New Jersey, hollow-point ammunition is illegal for civilians outside of their home, so .357 Magnum would be a poor choice there, as it is the 125-grain JHPs that work best at turning bad people into good people in that caliber. .44 Magnum 240-grain JSPs in a 16" lever gun might be an acceptable compromise, but an 18" repeating 12-gauge loaded with slugs or 00 buck would probably be a safer bet.
I have done a bit of research as i plan to carry firearms while traveling by...-Even the most restrictive jurisdictions can not prevent you from from traveling through the city/state with firearms that are legal where you came from and where you are going as long as you don't stop besides gas, food, ect and it is secured in a trunk or otherwise inaccessible. I believe this is a federal law, right to travel or something.My plan is to travel with a 12 gauge shotgun and a 9mm with 10 round magazine as to be legal in as many states as possible.
Can we get back to the whole "throw your gun at the bad guy" thing?
I do hope that your suggestions are sarcasm, if not... that is weapons grade asinine.