I think you're reading WAY too much into the use of the word "emergency".
I keep a half-roll of toilet paper in a cubby box in my truck for "emergencies". I carry several full rolls in my camping trailer. Is that somehow illogical?
Sometimes (well, most of the time) I don't have my trailer with me. A flattened half roll in a ziplock bag takes up less room.
I'm not sure if its illogical for you or not, but it would seem that way to me. My philosophy and travel needs could be very different than yours however.
My philosophy is to travel compact, light, and efficiently as possible given my needs.
Adding redundant or unused items to the kit seems illogical to me, especially when occupying multiple storage places. If its something you need available immediately- then it should be placed where you can get to it immediately.
Unless you will be sudding up and wiping your ******** in the cab of your truck it, really doesn't need to be packed in there. Wouldn't it make more sense to pack those items in one spot where you could easily access them from the outside of the vehicle whether you are camped or hopping out to take a dump?