Where/how often do you shower?


I think you're reading WAY too much into the use of the word "emergency".

I keep a half-roll of toilet paper in a cubby box in my truck for "emergencies". I carry several full rolls in my camping trailer. Is that somehow illogical?

Sometimes (well, most of the time) I don't have my trailer with me. A flattened half roll in a ziplock bag takes up less room.

I'm not sure if its illogical for you or not, but it would seem that way to me. My philosophy and travel needs could be very different than yours however.

My philosophy is to travel compact, light, and efficiently as possible given my needs.

Adding redundant or unused items to the kit seems illogical to me, especially when occupying multiple storage places. If its something you need available immediately- then it should be placed where you can get to it immediately.

Unless you will be sudding up and wiping your ******** in the cab of your truck it, really doesn't need to be packed in there. Wouldn't it make more sense to pack those items in one spot where you could easily access them from the outside of the vehicle whether you are camped or hopping out to take a dump?


Expedition Leader
Where, exactly, would you propose to store something like that, that is not in the cab of the truck? Do you have a toilet paper holder on the tailgate of your truck next to the bumper dumper? I have never suffered from volcanic diarrhea, so grabbing a roll out of a cubby box is not an issue. (well, not since that business trip to San Louis Potosi, MX anyway...)

I already stated, I often use my truck without my trailer. On day trips, I have a roll stashed in the back of the truck. I also have an emergency tube tent, silver blankets, jumper cables, etc. stashed back there "for emergencies", and they haven't been used either.

The lengths to which some of you guys will go to make an issue out of nothing is staggering.


my wife and i just sold our first adventure rig combo, but what we did was lots of sponge baths as others have noted above, and every-other-day take a nice one-gallon-shower through a simple set up. My wife found a small 1 gallon garden sprayer. We would heat up a kettle of water and pour it into sprayer after pouring in about half-full with cold. A few pumps and wala nice hot shower with pressurized water. Crazy thing is i usually have water left over and use it to clean the shower basin.

Yes on the Dr. Bronner’s soap. We've used it at home for nearly 20 years. And at home? I take showers when i feel it's needed. I'm a neat person, though i'm not sure the human body needs a shower every day.


I consider keeping at least 1/2 roll of toilet paper in the cab to be perhaps the most important piece of emergency equipment to be carried. Try finding something to replace it in the desert.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Usually every other day or every couple days. Really depends what we are doing, if we are moving every day or if we have a base camp. Also, depends on what the weather is like. If its freezing in the winter, not as often. If it's hotter than heck in the desert and im sweating all day.. then more often. Baby wipes inbetween just like everyone else stated.


Expedition Leader
When traveling...once every 3-7 days. A wash up every day is nice though using the MSR water bladder and the super small nozzle.

At home, every other day. I am not a dirty or stinky person and believe in conserving water. Soap, I like anything made from tea tree oil at home or traveling.

Can't believe some of you people take a shower 2x a day! I mean after sports or hard dirty work it is nearly required. Otherwise it just seems very wasteful to me.....

But us Americans are very wasteful people so :rolleyes:

Oh and I only flush the toilet every 2nd to 3rd pee to also conserve water.
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Expedition Leader
I'm not sure if its illogical for you or not, but it would seem that way to me. My philosophy and travel needs could be very different than yours however.

My philosophy is to travel compact, light, and efficiently as possible given my needs.

Adding redundant or unused items to the kit seems illogical to me, especially when occupying multiple storage places. If its something you need available immediately- then it should be placed where you can get to it immediately.

Unless you will be sudding up and wiping your ******** in the cab of your truck it, really doesn't need to be packed in there. Wouldn't it make more sense to pack those items in one spot where you could easily access them from the outside of the vehicle whether you are camped or hopping out to take a dump?

some people use toilet paper for more than just wiping their ********.....


Expedition Leader
I guess that explains why they pack several rolls of it...

well since we are this topic....

some people crap more than others too yeah know. I know people (who I have lived with) who can use up a roll in maybe 2 days. Me? Same roll lasts me at least 2 weeks! :Wow1:


well since we are this topic....

some people crap more than others too yeah know. I know people (who I have lived with) who can use up a roll in maybe 2 days. Me? Same roll lasts me at least 2 weeks! :Wow1:

Alot has to do with technique, If you squat and spread, its a much cleaner release than merely plopping on a seat all willy nilly like.


I always figured this thread would end up in the crapper, but not so literally:sombrero:

After the last couple of pages, I'm a little sorry I started it lol. I didn't realize so many people would have so much input on the subject.


OverCamping Specialist
Can't believe some of you people take a shower 2x a day! I mean after sports or hard dirty work it is nearly required. Otherwise it just seems very wasteful to me.....
As mentioned earlier, twice a day on work days, only once on the weekends.

I have a job where I can get very sweaty, and it is also hot in my job running heavy equipment, and quite often I am around dirt.

If I sat behind a desk and wore a suit or white collar clothes, I would only need to shower once a day.

Also some people sweat more than others, I tend to lean towards that end.
I can not go to bed having that sweaty feeling.
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Alot has to do with technique, If you squat and spread, its a much cleaner release than merely plopping on a seat all willy nilly like.

Originally Posted by RMP&O /well since we are this topic....

some people crap more than others too yeah know. I know people (who I have lived with) who can use up a roll in maybe 2 days. Me? Same roll lasts me at least 2 weeks!

In other side some use a toilet/bide , well America huge and not all like to

use finger and paper ....when have warm water and air to clean ... (safe a tree use a water instead paper )

By the way shower on trail nice to have in many reason , so i use

combination of alcohol , baby wipe , solar shower and whatever water in my

way (creak , river , pound ctr )
In winter snow batch in the morning work better as double espresso:wings:


I too have a job that gets me all dirty and sweaty. For this reason, I just shower every night before bed. I would shower 2x a day but it tends to dry my skin out.

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