Where to get a camera?


Expedition Leader
X4 -B&H

(I think I might own a piece of that place by now) :bigbossHL:

I have, and you can, also sell your used gear there too
I would also recommend B&H, also Adorama. Both seem to be priced very well and have everything in stock that I've needed. Only drawback is they are on the East coast and I am in Washington State so shipping usually takes 5-7 days ground.


Expedition Leader
WhereTheHellIsJames? said:
I've always had good luck here, here, and here. For lots of info on digital photography in general, but especially Nikon gear, I look here- Ken really knows his stuff, check out his reviews and articles.

Ken Rockwell is a bit of a knucklehead...take what he says with a grain of salt or two.

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
WhereTheHellIsJames? said:
For lots of info on digital photography in general, but especially Nikon gear, I look here- Ken really knows his stuff, check out his reviews and articles.
Oh the sage teachings of Ken. Here's a classic Ken line, "Tripods are for the weak. I stack the odds in my favor by firing bursts of several shots in the Continuous shutter mode and sorting out the sharpest later..."

Say what? I read that and immediately ordered a Gitzo.:p

Here's a fun Ken Rockwell fact list.

-Ken Rockwell is the Chuck Norris of photography

-Ken Rockwell's camera has similar settings to ours, except his are: P[erfect] Av[Awesome Priority Tv[Totally Awesome Priority] M[ajestic]

-Ken Rockwell doesn't color correct. He adjusts your world to match his.

-Sure, Ken Rockwell deletes a bad photo or two. Other people call these Pulitzers.

-Ken Rockwell doesn't adjust his DOF, he changes space-time.

-Circle of confusion? You might be confused. Ken Rockwell never is.

-Ken Rockwell doesn't wait for the light when he shoots a landscape - the light waits for him.

-Ken Rockwell never flips his camera in portrait position, he flips the earth

-Ken Rockwell ordered an L-lens from Nikon, and got one.

-Ken Rockwell is the only person to have photographed Jesus; unfortunately he ran out of film and had to use a piece of cloth instead.

-When Ken Rockwell brackets a shot, the three versions of the photo win first place in three different categories

-Before Nikon or Canon releases a camera they go to Ken and they ask him to test them, the best cameras get a Nikon sticker and the less good get a Canon sticker

-Once Ken tested a camera, he said I cant even put Canon on this one,thats how Pentax was born

-Rockwellian policy isn't doublethink - Ken doesn't even need to think once

-Ken Rockwell doesn't use flash ever since the Nagasaki incident.

-Only Ken Rockwell can take pictures of Ken Rockwell; everyone else would just get their film overexposed by the light of his genius

-Ken Rockwell wanted something to distract the lesser photographers, and lo, there were ducks.

-Ken Rockwell is the only one who can take self-portraits of you

-Ken Rockwell's nudes were fully clothed at the time of exposure

-Ken Rockwell once designed a zoom lens. You know it as the Hubble SpaceTelescope.

-When Ken unpacks his CF card, it already has masterpieces on it.

-Rockwell portraits are so lifelike, they have to pay taxes

-On Ken Rockwell's desktop, the Trash Icon is really a link to National Geographic Magazine

-Ken Rockwell spells point-and-shoot "h-a-s-s-e-l-b-l-a-d"

-When Ken Rockwell went digital, National Geographic nearly went out of business because he was no longer phyically discarding photos

-For every 10 shots that Ken Rockwell takes, 11 are keepers.

-Ken Rockwell's digital files consist of 0's, 1's AND 2's.

-Ken Rockwell never focus, everything moves into his DoF

-Ken Rockwell's shots are so perfect, Adobe redesigned photoshop for him: all it consists of is a close button.

-The term tripod was coined after his silhouette

-Ken Rockwell never produces awful work, only work too advanced for the viewer

-A certain braind of hig-end cameras was named after people noticed the quality was a lot "like a" rockwell

-Ken Rockwell isn't the Chuck Norris of photography; Chuck Norris is the Ken Rockwell of martial arts.

-Ken Rockwell never starts, he continues


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Lost Canadian said:
Here's a fun Ken Rockwell fact list.
Funniest thing I've read all day.

James, put "Ken Rockwell idiot (or moron)" into Google. It's almost as funny to read what people who don't like him say as the original source material itself.


We all want a good price, but one thing to remember is that the camera vendors are working on a slim profit margin on bodies and sometimes lenses. If you see a price below 15% of MSRP, its probably being sold below cost. If memory serves, I think a lot of the Canon and Nikon gear is discounted a little less than 10% to the retailer (I used to sell). When you see a price that is much lower than retail you run the risk of getting a grey market product that will carry no buyer protection in the U.S. Also, the independent camera stores are being driven out of business buy cut rate vendors (but that might not be your concern and I'm not trying to preach here).

For sure, if your buy from the internet use http://www.resellerratings.com/
most of the really inexpensive sellers can be found here and almost all have horrible ratings. Be aware, they change names often.

One thing I do to save a little money, and do with even my higher grade equipment, is buy refurbished. I have never had a problem with a refurbished item. If you do similar, please be informed. I just offer that as an idea.


resellerratings is one of my favorite sites. i use it to look up "google companies" too when i buy anything.

i like to help out local shops. but at the moment this is gonna be our second dslr in house and would love to save money on this one LOL we got the last one locally with all the extras.

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Una why not go with a Canon if you already have one in your house? You could save money by not having to buy the lenses your husband already has or you could take that money and invest in different lenses increasing the range of your system.


I know a bunch of pro photographers and all them recommend B&H - I've spent a fair amount of change there myself and I'm not a pro. I've also used KEH and Abe's of Maine - my uncle who used to run a professional portrait studio always recommended Adorama.

There are a lot of flaky equipment dealers out there but if you stick with the big 3 - B&H, Adorama and KEH you can't go wrong.


Lost Canadian said:
Una why not go with a Canon if you already have one in your house? You could save money by not having to buy the lenses your husband already has or you could take that money and invest in different lenses increasing the range of your system.
funny you say that...

the last day or so, i think we have decided to do that. i just gotta re-learn where all the settings/etc are on a canon. i am SOOO used to nikon DLSR's that its gonna take me a bit LOL

i played with his menu and options extensively the other night, and it actually has more options than the nikon at the same price level so....

thats probably what were doing.

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