After reviewing a lot of great advice here, I have started making purchases for my continued, although redirected, build.
First major purchase was the Slee rear bumper. For those with a 6x series, Christo made a run of 3 bumpers (I believe) so if you want one, give him a call. Once I get this on and pull the spare from underneath, I will begin the hunt for the long range tank. It looks like the only options are the Ford tank (extended range tank on the cheap from Mud), the MAF unit, or the Opposite Lock. I know others are available from Oz, but it seems the OL and Long Ranger are the most popular to import.
Second are the ARB's front and rear. I have the gears and will be scheduling the install sometime in the next month or so. I have been dreaming of this mod for I don't know how many years now!
This pretty much sums up what has happened so far, and I'd say it's a pretty good start.:wings:
After these mods are completed, I will start debating the creature comforts and the order I purchase them. I think the first will be the fridge/freezer, and from there I can't decide between RTT, winch, or drawer system. I'm really torn over the RTT. I would love to go with a Technitop, but I'm worried about the space. Right now it is myself, the wife and (almost) 2 year old son. BUT, I just found out that I should be expecting something new around October time frame. When my wife first told me, I was thinking she ordered something really cool for me to put on my Cruiser, then I realized she meant she was pregnant.:av-7: I guess that's cool too.

From reading this forum, I'm guessing a 1600 is the minimum for me to go with.
I'll post pics once things start rolling in.