Which is better Land Rover or Hummer?


Expedition Leader
From what you mentioned on intended use I think a Land Cruiser 80 or 100 would be an excellent choice. Well supported by aftermarket, can be repaired just about anywhere, solid platform, comfortable for daily use even when kitted. Some may object to the IRS on the 100 but it doesn't sound like your looking to do any rock crawling or heavy trails so I think you would be OK.


Expedition Leader
From what you mentioned on intended use I think a Land Cruiser 80 or 100 would be an excellent choice. Well supported by aftermarket, can be repaired just about anywhere, solid platform, comfortable for daily use even when kitted. Some may object to the IFS on the 100 but it doesn't sound like your looking to do any rock crawling or heavy trails so I think you would be OK.

Fixed it for you.

(whisper) Get a Toyota Land Cruiser...


Expedition Leader

I agree now that Hummer is going bye bye :(
Yeah if I owned a Hummer anything I'd be stocking up on all those parts that are needed to keep you on the road in years to come. I am sorry to see folks left w/o support for the rigs they chose.

Part of what makes Toyota King in my book is servicability in all corners of the globe. I can't really think of a single place where I couldn't get a part for my 22RE Mini-truck (not that I ned parts all too ofen either ;) ). That is something I think plays a huge part in the selection of a true Expo vehicle. Sadly, Hummer just doesn't have this luxury so you've really gotta hope nothing breaks.




My personal choices in order:
1. Hummer (H1)
2. L.R. Defender 110
3. Mercedes G-Wagon
4. Toyota 70 Series
5. Land Rover Discovery II,III, IV (2004+) (or Higher)
6. Toyota FJ.

But to each their own, its all about personal choice and taste.


Furthermore... have a look around various online Rover communities, and see if you like the crowd. The US Rover online community is fairly unique. I'll leave it at that.

Unique in the fact they have all long dismissed everything you say:victory:

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