Which Springs for my M416?


New member
Does the 416 have the same springs as the m-101? Mine look like the rust is the only thing holding them together. I would like to replace them with a new set. I checked here in Phoenix, but they want almost $350 for a custom pair. If they are similar, what would be a part # that is a direct replacement?


Does the 416 have the same springs as the m-101? Mine look like the rust is the only thing holding them together. I would like to replace them with a new set. I checked here in Phoenix, but they want almost $350 for a custom pair. If they are similar, what would be a part # that is a direct replacement?

the springs on my m416 are about 37.5" from eye to eye, and are about 1.75" wide. What are the dimensions on yours?

EDIT: It looks like the correct dimension is 35" and my springs are stretched out pretty badly. So it looks like I'm going down the spring route.
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Shackles??? i'm looking to replace my C shackles with plate shackles, what did you guys go with?


Shackles??? i'm looking to replace my C shackles with plate shackles, what did you guys go with?

I am currently trying to confirm that Performance Accessories has a set of shackles that will work. It looks like the 3115 product is a greasable shackle that may fit and provide 1.25" of lift, the 3116 provides 2.25" I hope to chat with tech support today and confirm dimensions.


I'm still running stock c shackle's, they seem useable and still sturdy sooo no need to replace really.


So I'm guessing you bought the 01-502F-6 Leaf spring that is listed for CJ5, CJ6, M38A1, or the 01-512F-6 (CJ3). These are listed to give 2.5" of lift. Which one of these did you order? The 502 is 38.25" and the 512 is 35"

As for shackles I'm torn between new springs, or old springs with new shackles. The shackle option is a cheaper option, but replacing 45 year old springs may not be a bad idea.
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Expedition Leader
I'm not within 600 miles of my trailer right now so the p# escapes me. One of my M416 springs were flat so replacement was no option. The superlift springs required me to hammer out the bushings that kept me from using stock bolts both C shackles and greasable front bolts. I was able to use the C shackles but had to forgoe the front bolt with a grade 8 replacement.


I'm not within 600 miles of my trailer right now so the p# escapes me. One of my M416 springs were flat so replacement was no option. The superlift springs required me to hammer out the bushings that kept me from using stock bolts both C shackles and greasable front bolts. I was able to use the C shackles but had to forgoe the front bolt with a grade 8 replacement.

Interesting, well it looks like it must be the 35" version which is the 01-512F-6. It looks like the Rancho 44010 and 44020 are options too.

What I noticed about all the aftermarket products is that they use thinner bolts. Perhaps that is based on the civilian version of the springs.
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Expedition Leader
I measured the spring perches and had the closest thing in the Pro Comp catalog ordered and ended up with Pro comp 3000 (economic).


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