They all, for sure, have their place. Some people love and use the crap out of their RTT's. And that's great.
It's just a
personal issue I have. I don't want to be associated with "that crowd." I loved to ride my CBR back in the day, over 15 yrs ago. I rode alone 99% of the time, and when I did ride with others, it was with 2 other friends. Never with the whole slew of them doing tricks, causing traffic jams, etc. I hated being seen like one of them so I sold it and never looked back. (Though, I am thinking of picking up a TW200 to bounce around in to get my motorcycle itch scratched).
I see plenty of bedazzled Taco's and 4Runners around. Not as many, but some Raptors and Foresters. All kitted out with *gag*"Overla..."...*gag* gear, all in pristine shape and steps hanging down past the axles. Majority of them do it for style points. If it gets them out, then great. You just won't find me in a grocery store parking lot with the tent open and ditch lights beaming.
This is more my style
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Rant over.
Happy Friday 13th.