Why is what you eat important?


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
mmmmm ... non-homogenized whole milk .....


sorry and congrats at the same time Aaron. I see you said you are counting calories. That's fantastic. If you are ever in need of diet advice, recipes, counting assistance. Feel free to ask. I am currently bulking up / bodybuilding and i use www.fitday.com to count my calories. it's free and has most products / fruits / veg etc its its database. Just add it to your daily intake and it will make a graph that you can monitor daily, monthly, yearly etc.

best of luck to you on your new life :)


looks like this:




Expedition Leader
Dam Adam....

here's yesterdays....calorie intake....rather scary results

Fat 21%
Protein 16%
Carbs 26%

and wait for it**********************************************************....................alcohol 38%

2800 calories...

Now if I had of drunk water when I got home from work.....the results are

1800 calories
Fat 38%
Protein 28%
Carbs 34%
Alcohol 0%

mmmmmm maybe I do need to listen to the wife and address the drinking...........:costumed-smiley-007
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haha nice percentages, i myself have quit the consumption of beer this week. It's putting a major disruption, add's lazyness and depleats my appetite by about 50% sometimes. just from 4-5 beers. Then again i drink imports that are about 8-13% ABV. hah So im either gonna quit drinking entirely or switch to bud light yuck.

back on topic. :p


Expedition Leader
Luke's in 16th street and Indian School or Carolina's on Mohave or the Fry Bread place on Indian School you see where i'm going with this???

Lukes was a common place for lunch for me, I would eat buttered tortillas and a breakfast burrito from Carolina's 2 to 3 times a week for breakfast, and the fry bread from that place is amazing. I also would hit the little street taco stand in front of Charley's on Camelback every so often on a Friday or Saturday night if I was looking for a bit of Mexico in Phoenix. I love food too, and I love to eat. I have now just found a new way to do it. It is hard to not go to those places anymore, but I'll still pay them a visit every so often, as being bad every now and then won't hurt me. I just can't eat at places like that as much as I used to. I take my lunch with me to work, and I ususally have my bowl of Cherrios in the morning. In just four weeks on this diet I am amazed at how much better I am feeling. I have even found heart and diabetic friendly recipes that my daughter likes too, so I can take comfort in knowing that she is eating healthy when I have her.

As for skim milk, I tried a few years ago to like skim milk. I think it is the texture, along with it doesn't look right (kinda blueish in color) and the flavor is not the same, it seems kinda watered down to me. But, I can have 1% milk and still be ok as it is not considered a high fat food.

On a side note, last week my daughter begged me to go to MacDonald's for dinner. I reluctantly agreed. I had one of their grilled chicken sandwiches on that honey wheat bun and had them hold the mayo. No fries, and a diet coke. Literally 5 minutes after I ate it my stomach started cramping up and I felt terrible. My stomach and bowels were not right for 2 days after eating that. So, I think fast food is out unless it is Subway.


Expedition Leader
Adam, I used to have a drink or two just about everynight. When I severly cut back on my consumption I noticed that on the nights I didn't have any alcohol I would wake up the next morning feeling more rested, and had more energy the next day. Now, If I were to have one beer that night, my sleep would be restless and I would feel groggy all day the next day.

I have learned that it is now cheaper for me as my tolerance has gone way down and it takes me a lot less to get a buzz from alcohol. So, one or two drinks is good for me.

Capt Sport

Good for you Datrupr! I jumped aboard the heathly eating train a while back myself. And, feel much better as a result.

Here's a link to a great site to track what your eating everyday:


I don't track what I eat to the smallest detail but I get a good overview. Also, once you see how many calories something is you'll change the way you make it, or quit eating it all together. I used to make eggs fried in olive oil till I added it to my list, now I eat them boiled. Much lower in calories and quite a bit quicker in the morning. I just boil em by the dozen and leave em in the fridge. Peel em over the trash can and your off pretty quick.

Good luck and stick to it, you'll feel a lot better once you get a week or two into it. You just need to change your habitual patterns on what you eat and make new ones.


Real milk vs Skim milk

If you have never had milk right from the cow into a mug, you are missing one of life's simple pleasures. Comparing skim milk to real milk would be like comparing Coors light to Guinness Stout. Yes, both are beers but one is like thin water and the other is real beer.

I suppose one could get used to it but...............yucky



I worked in the dairy industry for 20 years and you'd be surprised at how much cow crap gets sucked up into the milking machines and into the tanks. I prefer my milk pasturized, thank you very much, skim or 1%. A low-carb diet is the only one that lowers my cholesterol and triglycerides. I'm not too good at diet and exercise, I like my whiskey and my smokes. Lipitor lowered my total cholesterol to under 200 with a great high/low ratio. I'm not much of a good example.


Keep in mind that Subway isnt as healthy as made out to be. They still used processed meats. Their soups are very very high in sodium too. Think soup out of the can.

There breads are not as healthy as they are made out to be either but, in comparision with other fast food outlets, Subway does have a healthier menu.


Full Time Traveler
Aaron, wow! Great to hear 1) that you are doing better, and 2) that you are doing something about it. Congrats on making that choice and sticking to it! One thing to remember is slips are OK. You are human and you should still eat everything you want to eat, and that is honestly OK. The key is moderation. This will also help you stick to what you need to do to get some of those numbers in check. The single weekly "slip" is what you should strive for and continue on the diet the rest of the time. I mention all this since I have a number of good personal friends who are registered nutritionist and dietitians and THIS is what they have told me.

Good luck and keep us posted!


Expedition Leader
I know Subway is still not the best, but for a quick convenient lunch it is still a much healthier alternative. I do like the fact that they have nutrition guides in all their stores so I can look at what I'm getting my self into. And it is still much better than Micky D's or Burger King.

Laurence, I slipped last night but i don't feel guilty. I was craving pizza all day yesterday so last night I got a pizza for dinner. The key to that though is cut the portions down. I used to not have a problem packing away 5 or more slices of pizza. I stopped myself last night after only 2. I am finding that I am eating less per meal, but eating more often through out the day. I pack carrots and broccoli in my lunch bag now for that snack between breakfast and lunch, and I keep a container of pistachios for the snack between lunch and dinner. I just keep the portions down. The down side to this smaller healthier portions is that I seem to always be hungry. But that too is starting to subside. It has been 4 weeks on this diet now and it keeps getting easier.


Full Time Traveler
I know Subway is still not the best, but for a quick convenient lunch it is still a much healthier alternative. I do like the fact that they have nutrition guides in all their stores so I can look at what I'm getting my self into. And it is still much better than Micky D's or Burger King.

Laurence, I slipped last night but i don't feel guilty. I was craving pizza all day yesterday so last night I got a pizza for dinner. The key to that though is cut the portions down. I used to not have a problem packing away 5 or more slices of pizza. I stopped myself last night after only 2. I am finding that I am eating less per meal, but eating more often through out the day. I pack carrots and broccoli in my lunch bag now for that snack between breakfast and lunch, and I keep a container of pistachios for the snack between lunch and dinner. I just keep the portions down. The down side to this smaller healthier portions is that I seem to always be hungry. But that too is starting to subside. It has been 4 weeks on this diet now and it keeps getting easier.

Thats awesome... You are obviously doing the right things and will have no problem with this. Congrats once again, since these choices are big and are life changing. As you said, don't feel guilty about the occasional slip, life is too short to not treat yourself every now and then. It is what you do between those slips that count. Keep it up!


I commend you on the diet. I have a terrible diet and have been told pretty much the same thing as your doctor. I do good on the diet thing for about a week then I drive by Luke's in 16th street and Indian School or Carolina's on Mohave or A&J BBQ on 16th Street or the Fry Bead place on Indian School you see where i'm going with this???

I just love food.

I guess the only thing to do is bump up the 'ol life insurance policy, eh?

I suppose, assuming you aren't interested in staying alive or of feeling good. My housemate of the last 25 years felt much the same as you. She died a little over 2 months ago at the ripe old age of 58. She just loved food and comfort and detested exercise. She wouldn't go to a doctor because he would have told her stuff she didn't want to hear and told her to do stuff she didn't want to do. I think she figured that if she ignored everything and kept doing as she was doing things would just go on and on. She self medicated for high blood pressure and diabetes without any medial testing and guidance. I watched her become less capable of doing things and feeling worse year by year, unable to help her change her ways. Then one morning she had no feeling at all on her whole left side. A major stroke. She would never in her life come home. She would need intensive care for just about everything. She could relearn to feed herself but with her blown knees she would never be able to use a toilet by herself let alone any of the things she liked to do. Watching how her life became an immediate train wreck and her loosing everything that she thought made her life worth living was both heart breaking and scary. I saw first hand what happens in an instant from sustained body abuse. How a person can go from an it will never happen to me if I ignore it lifestyle to loosing everything in literally a heartbeat. How utterly devastating it can be.

Thankfully for her, she had a fatal heart attack a week after the major stoke. When she fully understood what had happened from the stroke and what the prognosis was going to be for the rest of her life, she kept saying that she did not want to live this way. She got her wish.

And having seen first hand what can really happen, how quickly it can happen and the devastation that can happen changed me and the way I looked upon my own life. I've made a lot of changes in exercise and diet, have learned to stay away from restaurants and two and a half months later feel a lot better because of it.

Every time I drive past a place with a fire truck and ambulance sitting out front my stomach knots up and I get fresh resolve to be as healthy as I can be.

Not taking care of yourself is a form of self loathing and suicide. Take care of yourself and by all means if you smoke, stop smoking! Your health and the health of anyone you might smoke around depends upon it. About 4 years ago I had a friend and neighbor died from tobacco caused lung cancer. Not nice watching him fade, nor the vultures who swooped in to see what they could get. For the vast majority of people, smoking is a form of suicide and if they smoke around others, a form of murder.

If you don't have you, you don't have anything and anyone left behind will be totally devastated and left with the heart rendering debris of your life to clean up and dispose of.

I don't recommend dieing if you can possibly help it. It is a real pain for those left behind!


I don't have much respect for drug addicts. Bearing in mind that I don't have any in the family and don't have any close personal friends that have been or currently are, when I run into one at work, I always ask myself "Dude, why cant you just stop? How could it be that hard? and start to guess those people lack self discipline, self respect etc. Ive had that attitude for years... Until recently.

Granted my drug of choice is not Cocaine, Heroin, Pills, or Alcohol- it's food! I cant stop from "using". I find that I try to stay "clean" for a while by dieting, and then find myself quickly relapsing.

They say that an addict has to make a personal choice to stop using. All the overdoses, family repercussions, lost jobs etc wont be enough to make a person quit. The person has to want to quit etc. They have to hit rock bottom.

I guess I haven't hit "rock bottom" yet. Similar to an user who's enticed to stop using by threats of jail or prison, and yet continues to use- the threat of doom from my doctor to trade my current diet for a more healthy one doesn't even phase me. I improve my diet next tomorrow, next week, in two weeks etc.

Drug addicts? What does that have to do with "Why is what you eat important?"

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