I commend you on the diet. I have a terrible diet and have been told pretty much the same thing as your doctor. I do good on the diet thing for about a week then I drive by Luke's in 16th street and Indian School or Carolina's on Mohave or A&J BBQ on 16th Street or the Fry Bead place on Indian School you see where i'm going with this???
I just love food.
I guess the only thing to do is bump up the 'ol life insurance policy, eh?
I suppose, assuming you aren't interested in staying alive or of feeling good. My housemate of the last 25 years felt much the same as you. She died a little over 2 months ago at the ripe old age of 58. She just loved food and comfort and detested exercise. She wouldn't go to a doctor because he would have told her stuff she didn't want to hear and told her to do stuff she didn't want to do. I think she figured that if she ignored everything and kept doing as she was doing things would just go on and on. She self medicated for high blood pressure and diabetes without any medial testing and guidance. I watched her become less capable of doing things and feeling worse year by year, unable to help her change her ways. Then one morning she had no feeling at all on her whole left side. A major stroke. She would never in her life come home. She would need intensive care for just about everything. She could relearn to feed herself but with her blown knees she would never be able to use a toilet by herself let alone any of the things she liked to do. Watching how her life became an immediate train wreck and her loosing everything that she thought made her life worth living was both heart breaking and scary. I saw first hand what happens in an instant from sustained body abuse. How a person can go from an it will never happen to me if I ignore it lifestyle to loosing everything in literally a heartbeat. How utterly devastating it can be.
Thankfully for her, she had a fatal heart attack a week after the major stoke. When she fully understood what had happened from the stroke and what the prognosis was going to be for the rest of her life, she kept saying that she did not want to live this way. She got her wish.
And having seen first hand what can really happen, how quickly it can happen and the devastation that can happen changed me and the way I looked upon my own life. I've made a lot of changes in exercise and diet, have learned to stay away from restaurants and two and a half months later feel a lot better because of it.
Every time I drive past a place with a fire truck and ambulance sitting out front my stomach knots up and I get fresh resolve to be as healthy as I can be.
Not taking care of yourself is a form of self loathing and suicide. Take care of yourself and by all means if you smoke, stop smoking! Your health and the health of anyone you might smoke around depends upon it. About 4 years ago I had a friend and neighbor died from tobacco caused lung cancer. Not nice watching him fade, nor the vultures who swooped in to see what they could get. For the vast majority of people, smoking is a form of suicide and if they smoke around others, a form of murder.
If you don't have you, you don't have anything and anyone left behind will be totally devastated and left with the heart rendering debris of your life to clean up and dispose of.
I don't recommend dieing if you can possibly help it. It is a real pain for those left behind!