I picked up a 2016 Rebel this past June with around 120000Km on the clock. its got the 5.7 with 3.92 rear end. So far I have put in a level up front, rear air bags (The factory air suspension was replaced by the dealer, its what made this so appealing to me) and a bed slide. I am gathering material for a hidden winch mount and probably going with a smitty built winch. I have some plans for lights and a tool box as the wife is adamant NO CAP But She made this happen so I have a plan on making this all work. I find no real difference between the Sierra I had off road except for power the Rebel has gobs of it, in comparison. The only thing I have to complain is the re gearing is next to impossible as the front is a ZF unit and the ring is welded to the carrier and as of today there is very little aftermarket support for these diffs, its growing but very slowly
I am really enjoying the Ram its got some quirks but its fun to roar down a fire trail, pipeline or power line ( till you hit a bog without a winch or any real recovery gear on board then I is a stupid?)
I am really enjoying the Ram its got some quirks but its fun to roar down a fire trail, pipeline or power line ( till you hit a bog without a winch or any real recovery gear on board then I is a stupid?)
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