Will Prouse videos?


Well-known member
The kid speaks on a level that I understand.

Any comments about the information that he's putting out?


I love his enthusiasm.

I don't know enough about electrical, but he seems to know what he's talking about And appears to document everything as far as testing in his videos.

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He used to be an arrogant noob deeply afflicted by Dunning-Kruger.

In the past couple years he's learned a lot, but.

Last one I bothered sitting through it was obvious he did not understand the purpose of and fundamental principles of balancing cells.

I personally do not pay any attention to the recommendations of YouTubers and/or social media influencers, especially if they are actually trying to make their living that way, rife with corrupting sponsorships.

But for a noob can use them for basic 101-level orientation, learning terminology etc.
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Well-known member
Wow- I just watched one of his videos and learned that he was homeless, has some kind of disability, and that his YouTube videos gave him the money to get off the streets...
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Well-known member
Thanks, John- I just learned a new term (Dunning-Kruger).

I have observed that phenomena amongst Harley-Davidson owners when it comes to their fantastic over-estimation of their own abilities when it comes to riding a motorcycle. Most of them know so little, that they don't even seem capable of comprehending the magnitude of what they don't know. It's like trying to convince someone that the earth is not flat, and that the sun does not circle the earth. I always just labeled it as an ego problem, but thanks to you, I now know the actual name for that particular malfunction..


Well-known member
John, he does talk a lot about balancing batteries and even individual cells in the videos that I've watched...


D-K is pretty universal in every topic area, and we all fall prey to it occasionally, really just a function of over-confidence and arrogance.

The worst is a true expert in one field thinking he can very quickly become an authority in another.

I find watching video to be time inefficient, I learn much faster from static text and graphics, and avoid a lot of misinformation too

if there is a specific assertion you want to fact-check feel free to post a question


Well-known member
I personally do not pay any attention to the recommendations of YouTubers and social media influencers.

But for a noob can use them for basic 101-level orientation, learning terminology etc.

Maybe 102-level stuff for me. When I was an auto repair technician, chassis electrical was one of my specialties, so I'm comfortable with DC. As a homeowner for 20 years, I got comfortable with AC out of financial necessity.

The closest parallel to the task at hand (an electrical system for our house truck) for me, was when I was young and lacked perspective, I competed quite successfully in IASCA car audio competitions- I won every competition I ever entered, even at smaller competitions where they combined classes, so that I had to compete directly against guys with five times the wattage that I had. I collected every single point available on installation and accuracy of musical reproduction (not easy in a car), and through some creative design work, gave up nothing to the more powerful classes in terms of outright horsepower. I spent countless hours with a 24k gold-plated third-octave test disc and a decibel meter, plotting frequency response curves by hand, and building my own crossovers from raw inductors and capacitors, to correct that. It is similar to the task at hand, except that I'm now trying to power an air conditioner on wheels, instead of raising goose bumps with Johann Sebastian Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.

I appreciate you (and others) helping me to get up to speed on this... :)


Yes well ahead of the game there, at least capable of understanding the tech details quickly, not rocket science.

FYI, the marine cruising and off-grid living contexts tend to be a better learning arena than the van-dwelling and RV worlds


Well-known member
I can usually do Ohm's law...

In fact, as a retired cop I have had more than a fair amount of experience helping criminals to learn Ohm's law when they choose to resist arrest. I must be a decent teacher- they seem to learn it within seconds... ;)


You know the expressions

"a little knowledge is a dangerous thing"

"the more I learned, the more I realized I don't know"


That's a sign of progress in any complex topic area.

The key is humility in the early stages

"I know just enough to be dangerous"


Science has only barely scratched the surface of, say understanding how allergies and the immune system works, what the appendix and tonsils are for

what electricity really **is** as opposed to how to use it.

Being dogmatic, acting with absolute certainty often is a sign of less knowledge rather than more.

The way the scientific method works, is never thinking you have all the answers, just that a given solution or explanation is **currently** the best fit for what we observe.

If a doctor says "here take these" or "do this" without laying out the options and leaving me to take responsibility for the final decision, I'm outta there.

The best thing I like to hear is an occasional "I don't know, I'll get back to you".

I'm not expressing science denial here, not advocating "well actually **I believe** X and Y" idiocy in the face of scientific near-consensus.

The less informed you are on a topic, the **more** you need to seek out and accept expert opinions,

despite uncertainty even disagreement among them, do the keep an open mind for new information, realize what is "true" can change without invalidating the learning process.

Does **not** mean you can just magically make up your own reality to suit the way you'd like it to be.

Sorry for the digression 8-D
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John, he does talk a lot about balancing batteries and even individual cells in the videos that I've watched...
I hope you're not interpreting "talking a lot about X" as necessarily knowing a lot about it?

In the video I watched, he expressed disappointment in the performance of a given balancer, apparently because he thought that

balancing is supposed to "overcome" the unavoidable fact that the weakest-link cell limits the capacity and performance of the pack as a whole.

It is a actually a perfectly good product, at least better than most BMS

just that his expectations were based on a faulty understanding of the problem such devices are designed to solve,

trying to overcome a different problem that in fact just needs to be accepted, or dealt with by just replacing those weak-link cells.

I am not saying not to watch his videos if you find that helps you learn, just to take his specific product reco's with a grain of salt, and

realize you can maybe learn a lot more accurately and quickly by reading, googling for more authoritative sources, participating in forums where they hang out.

You quickly learn who really knows their stuff, as opposed to the over-confident or those with an axe to grind.

A wide variety of sources lets you cross-reference between widely different community contexts.


Well-known member
The reason I always assumed that Harley-Kruger disorder was caused by a fragile ego, is their response to the truth.

If an expert golfer told me that I know nothing about golfing, I would wholeheartedly agree with them. And if I wanted to learn how to golf, I'd get lessons from an expert.

But if I tell a Harley owner that they don't know how to ride, they act as if I had told them they have a small weiner, and they generally refuse to receive any proper rider training.

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