WooHoo!! Finally going Quail hunting


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Well today didn't go quite as planned. Woke up to freezing rain and sleet this morning, not the best weather for flintlocks, so bird hunting sounded good. But then the old man had to run his truck in to get it checked out so he and my step brother where late. When we got to our swamp property it had been cold enough last night so that it froze the ponds over and when there's no open water there's no geese. We were trying to figure out what to do when we spotted the tiniest pudddle of open water and that there were a load of mallards huddled there. As we were laying out our tactics, those darn ducks decide not to wait around for us and took off in the opposite direction that we would have like them to have flown; ie... towards us.

Since the only open water around was Oil Creek and it was at flood stage and in no condition to float, we thought we'd bust some grouse. I could not get a grouse to jump in any other direction but through the thickest part of the grapevines and hemlocks. I could see the blur of their wings but that was about that and I'm not a bush blaster. If I can't make a clean kill I'd rather hold my fire and try another day.

So on to deer hunting in the afternoon. My dad made a small drive thru the grapevine and hemlock woods on our property and pushed a scad of deer out to Tom and me. I saw a fine buck crest the hill and enter a hemlock thicket followed by several does and a few smaller bucks. Eventually a group of seven deer, 4 does and three bucks (2 - 6 points and a Y), passed within 25 yards of me, but I was holding out for that big 'un. That smart old deer dumped into a small ravine and circle his way right out of our sights, so no smokepoles were shot off today.

All in all it was a horrible day, spending a whole day hunting four different kinds of animals with no one else in the woods but us three. I really wish I was at work reading this post on a computer than to have wasted my time in the woods....Oh yeah we're goning to do it all again tomorrow and Saturday....:shakin:
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I feel for your tough day. Miserable time obviously. You should have gone to work.:wings:

Where is Titusville, PA? My better half is originally from north of Pittsburgh (Apollo), PA.

We still have family and friends we visit there occasionally. One has 75 acres with a teepee in the back where we have stayed. Beautiful country!

Ruffed grouse would be fun to try to hit in all the thick country there.

Better luck this weekend!


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Ridge, Titusville is about 2 hrs due north of Pittsburgh and about 50 miles south of the lake. Our claim to fame is this is the site of the first production oil well, namely Drake's well, and the birthplace of the oil industry.

Only hunted half a day today, saw some ducks and a few fuzzy heads, but the ducks were out of range and we're not really planning on killing any deer other than a real good buck. We've took 4 management bucks of the property so far, and one of them was a mercy killing. Found a fair 8 point that was wounded, all but dead so we finished him off. The meat was tainted so we had to dispose of the carcass, what a damn shame it was. In our Game Commissionmanagement area (1B) bucks need to have at least 4 points on one side, unless your a junior or senior hunter than its just one horn over 3". With the freezing rain yesterday and the frigid air last night, the snowpack was like walking on cornflakes, a squireell sounded like a herd of wildebeasts coming through. Well flintlock is on till the 7th and duck is in to I believe the 22d, so there's still time to have some fun. It's not about killing things, but getting outdoors and having some fun. Besides my log home interior chinking job is on hold till after the holidays so I'm not getting in the way of the homeowners holiday plans. Works for me.


Expedition Leader
I haven't gone quail hunting in way too long. I much prefer hunting with a dog though.

Cook some wild rice and stuff the little bastards before putting them in a hot oven for a few minutes. That will teach them!

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