WTB: Semi-cheap ready to roll Expo Rig


Expedition Leader
Check this out.
Looks to be in the SF area. You could drive from there to AK and then home. If, after that, you don't like it... It's only 1800 bucks. Chevy 350, easy parts availability should you need anything.

Make sure you ask if it's four wheel drive or not (if thats in fact part of your critieria) . A lot of Cali, Az, and Texas Suburbans aren't, plus he says it has a posi, different size wheels in the front and rear, but does not specify 4x4 anywhere. I have a feeling it's 2wd.




Not gonna lie, a little scared of GM and Land Rover, just based on reputation. I really don't have a lot to base it on aside from some previous experiences and heresay, but as my wife can attest, I am very anal about my vehicles and any little noise would drive me nuts. That being said I like the Yotas thus far and I'm intrigued by that Tahoe, I'll likely be reading more closely when I get home from work.


New member
Sure thing. I am insanely anal as well. You will see if you read my post, and see my videos. It has no weird rattles or noises. Its a great rare find. Only 1% were made in diesel. And mine is the only one made like it in 1997.

billy bee

People will try anything to sell their rigs...

ExPo members are emerging from the ether to get you to buy their rig. Not me. I won't do that to you. (buy Bill's Expo rig) You are too smart for that. Too smart to fall prey to other sellers' pedantic efforts. (three to choose from) Yet, I think you will be strangely drawn to one of my(Dodge/Jeep/Toy) rigs. Because you crave adventure. (in Bill's 4x4 FlipPac'd Dodge) You take the road less traveled. (like the one that leads to my door...nobody else is traveling it) Nobody can sell you anything. (like a beautiful, rare, unmolested Scrambler) You know what you want. (to help Bill get his wife off his back) Reach out and grab it. (the keys are right here) Good luck in your (look no further, dude, your expo rig awaits) search.



^ Well played bb. I used to design engines for John Deere, so I can't own a Cummins with a clear conscience, but man is that Scrambler a beauty. I think you're still a bit north of my price range, but it is tempting. Also, couldn't find anything on the Yota, any more info?

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