Wyoming...Find Your Piece of Paradise!


Expedition Leader
My family and I headed north for the final time for an extended trip to Idaho and Wyoming. Our plan was pretty simple. We traveled north to Bear Lake, Idaho to visit some friends that have children Lilly's age. It was going to be a few days on the beach watching Lilly frolic in the water with her friends. Afterwards, we would head further north following Wyoming waters to see if we could catch a few fish.

My wife and I lived in Jackson for a while and ventured many places. However, we found totally new country except one section of the Green River. Wyoming is a land of grandeur! Pack up and explore...find your piece of paradise!

Our travels north lead us from our house following dirt roads to a big blue lake on the borders of Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming.

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Along they way, Louise spotted some water to fish. A natural spring provided great habitat and crystal clear water.

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Every once in a while, we would see a sign stating we were headed the right way. Who cares? It was beautiful!

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We finally reached the big blue lake--Bear Lake. Crystal clear water, sunny skies...Lilly enjoying it all!

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Louise getting breakfast ready before we roll north. Into Wyoming...

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We followed the stream north and stopped along the way to the throw the fly in...Lilly is really getting the skill of fly fishing down. It's fun to see!

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It was time to find a campsite. A nice one along the river...

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Finding a cabin in the woods...More to come!


Expedition Leader
We awoke to another beautiful Wyoming morning. I enjoyed the view and glassed for wildlife. What was interesting to me was that some of the dispersed sites had these great, handcrafted picnic tables. They were awesome! Not sure if they were completed by the rangers or by the men serving time in the state pen:) Regardless, they were a nice little touch.

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Our day started by looking for fish. The road paralleled the river the entire way. Stunning!

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Louise and Lilly discuss the fly that will catch the big one!

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Our travels lead us to a valley called the LaBarge Meadows. Pioneers before us had traveled this route. I can see why the sign stated that the pioneers loved this stop. Who wouldn't?

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Onward...we had to make my friend's cabin by nightfall. Directions were a little vague, so on we went. The country was crazy gorgeous. Around every bend was another fantastic view.

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Louise visiting with the locals. She always carries carrots.

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The afternoon thunderstorms were great. Thunder, lightning, and a little rain. Time to rally...

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We made it to my friend's cabin after turning and crossing the cattle grate, then taking a left and crossing another cattle grate, then taking a right and following the hawk until it landed on a fence post. We finally made a right turn and noticed the antelope; this must be it! We made it for magic hour!

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Our friend, Craig, offered to fire up the hot tub. Lilly enjoyed! The clouds off the Wind River Range were crazy awesome!

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Louise and Ginger making sure all the duckies stay in the hot tub!


A good day indeed! More to come...
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Expedition Leader
The following day, our friend, took us out on the Green River for a 10 mile kayak. It was a blast! Gorgeous river, gorgeous country...The views along the river and Wind River Ranger were awesome!


We packed the boats and rallied back to his cabin...

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The country is just wide-open...Beautiful!

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Louise loved unlocking the entrance to the cabin...Not! Wyoming is a fence them out state...One has to put fences up to keep the cattle out. Prior to my friend constructing his fence; he would show up and there would be 300 cattle on his property!

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Homesteaders of the past...

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We left the following day. Our plan was to head into the Snake River Ranger and find some water to fish! Looking back at his cabin, one can see the Grand Teton in the middle of the picture. Zoom helps...The upper east face snowfield!

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We met this nice, little fellow along the way.

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Great views...excellent fly water...Time for some fishing!

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The fishing was on...We caught 10-15 fish within an hour.

More to come...


Expedition Leader
Wyoming is just full of water to fly fish...One just has to pull over and throw the fly in. That's what we did...Drive, fish, repeat...

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We eventually made our way to the Grey's River. Louise and Lilly were trying to catch a few "yellow bellies" that flashed to them in the water. Lilly picking our her flies. A recent gift from her grandfather.

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Louise and Lilly talking about how to fish the hole.

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Lilly going for it...She loves using her new 3 wt. rod. Fun to use in small streams, etc.

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Lilly actually had the fish on the line but it get off:( More flies to consider...

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It was time to find a camp spot...Where to go?

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We found a nice spot along the Grey's to call home for the night.

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Every trip comes to an end...Ours was upon us. Wyoming was grand. Get after it! The country is out there for you to explore. Find your piece of paradise! Until next time...


On our way back to Utah, Louise mentioned the "d" word. With a smile, I said yes..."We will head to the deserts of southern Utah soon!" Desert season is right around the corner.


Nice report. I have spent a lot of time in Ida, MT and Wyo. Some of the greatest lands on earth. Utah ain't bad neither.


Expedition Leader
Thanks...yeah Utah is pretty sweet too! The desert season is upon us...hope u can visit the canyonlands of Utah this fall:).

Nice report. I have spent a lot of time in Ida, MT and Wyo. Some of the greatest lands on earth. Utah ain't bad neither.

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