XL350R Retro Lightweight Overlander


After years of riding larger dual sports (xl600, nx650, xl600v, lc4adv, and klr650) I've simplified to one small street legal trail bike - a 1984 XL350R. I use it mainly for trail plunking and also want to set it up for exploration and camping trips. Some day I want to take it to the maze district in canyonlands. It's maiden camping adventure tour will be the UP of Michigan in June.

It only had 7k on the clock when i got it a couple years ago so minimal maintenance was needed. New throttle cable. Oil changed. New air filter. I also cranked the preload on the rear shock for the extra load of gear.

Bolt on goodies: barkbusters, Ricky cross headlight guard, folding rear mirror, larger foot pegs, and the TCI denali rack. I had the headlight guard from an xl600r that I've been storing for years. The footpegs are for a klr650 - only minor mods were needed to get them to fit. And the denali rack is designed for a xl600r and it fits perfectly.




Not sure if I'm gonna use soft saddle bags or some pelicans.

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Very cool! I hope to take my TW to the upper peninsula someday, it's incredible up there.

Yup! One of my favorate places to explore! A buddy and I are gonna hit part if the UPAT (Upper peninsula adventure trail).

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Awesome bike transalper. Been lusting after one of these for a long time now. Looking forward to seeing what you do to it and I'll be taking notes for when I get one.



Bike performed well on a dual sport trip to the UP of Michigan. The little bike was fun on the single tracks (unloaded) and did OK on the highways. No interstate highways though as the comfort level really drops above 55 mph. :)

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yep, 55 was about it for me too. They are fast little bikes and will roll up to 75 but not comfortable for any long periods. Enjoy your vintage Honda D/S for what it is. FYI, before my 350r I had a 250r, Super Sherpa and a KLR650. 60 MPH on KLR was about my comfort zone for long periods. Just to much wind beyond 60 and the motor wasn't as smooth as the 350r either. Got rid of it because it was a pig in the back county. I like the smaller lighter D/S best. My last D/S was a DRZ400s. Loved it. If riding mostly highway, I learned you can't beat riding behind fairing. A V-Strom would be nice but I'd still want a smaller D/S too.


My buddy has a drz400 and we both agreed the xl350 was a lot easier to ride on the trails. Lower center of gravity and tractable power. Drz did much better on Hwy. Bit I did like the Drz - it just wanted to be ridden faster than the xl.

I've been riding dual sports for 30 years now. I've owned Xt200, xl600, klr600, nx650, xl600v, lc4, klr650, and now the xl350. I had the red 83xl600 back in 84, so riding the 350 sometimes makes me feel like I'm 18 again. :).

For highway riding my current daily ride is a st1100. Right now if I could afford to invest another 4k into bikes I'd get rid of both of these rides and get 1150gs and a wr450 or something like that. :)

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