xovrlnd s/c xterra build


Knock Sensor By-pass

I was having some pretty terrible mileage issues with the X, as well as a heavy lack of power. I decided to look into a few options. Really only had 3; Replace stock knock sensor, relocate or by-pass. I opted for the by-pass, mostly because it was the easiest option for me. So I solder a chain of resistors together to equal right around 563k. (I overshot the Ohms a bit because of real life tolerances, when I hooked up to my multi-meter it came in at exactly 560k.) I didn't take many pictures of this, or do an in depth write up because it has been documented so many times before. If needed, feel free to PM me with any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.


After installation, I reset the ECU, then scanned for any codes. None, perfect. So I took it out for a quick rip and I can say this thing is a completely different animal! It's crazy how big of a difference this has made!

In other news, the weather here is started to improve. I'm really just waiting for the roads to be dry, so I can give it a good wash then pull into my girlfriends garage and not get nasty slush all over the work area, then the real mods will start! I'm sick of looking at all my parts piling up. Also going to have her lend a helping hand. I'll have her start grinding the rear bumper down to get rid of all the rust and then she'll re-paint and give me a hand with the suspension. I think I lucked out with this one!


Adventurer, eh?
Indeed. I've been running a resistor on mine for about 7 years. That truck is picky to have good sensors for it to be all running right. O2's and even the IAT in the airbox as well will affect your power and mileage.

OH, and what size is your light bar? Those InSane Fab brackets I take it.


Indeed. I've been running a resistor on mine for about 7 years. That truck is picky to have good sensors for it to be all running right. O2's and even the IAT in the airbox as well will affect your power and mileage.

OH, and what size is your light bar? Those InSane Fab brackets I take it.

Definitely a picky platform! But I love the Xterra regardless. The O2s and IAT are one my list. I'm waiting to do the O2s. As soon as I have the funds, I'll be ordering some DT headers, so I'll do them when I get this installed.

My light bar is a 40". I actually just took it off and sold it. I'm going to run a different bar up there. The middle will be spots, the two adjoining sides will be floods and the corners will be ambers.


As for the mounts, yes they are from Corey at IF. Great guy to deal with, had my mounts shipped up to Canada from Colorado in a little over a week.

Only issue I have with the light being mounted there is the glare. But I think I've found a solution.



This could be anywhere
Not sure I'd run a resistor in place of a knock sensor on my supercharged Xterra.. but that's just me.
Drive with your music low and keep an ear open for any strange rattling coming from your engine.


Denver to Alberta..... Are you in oil?

Nice Xterra. I always liked the first gen Xterra and the "matching" Frontier. I thought a 4-door Frontier was going to be my first big purchase out of college. But that never happened.


Not sure I'd run a resistor in place of a knock sensor on my supercharged Xterra.. but that's just me.
Drive with your music low and keep an ear open for any strange rattling coming from your engine.

I was a little unsure going into it to be honest. But after more research and just thinking about it, I'm not too worried. I'm not making enough power for knock to be a major issue, plus I run 94 octane up here, so again another factor to not worry too much about knock. These motors simply do not put out enough boost for it to be a concern, if I have an issue with a knocking motor, then I've had an underlying issue for awhile. Let's say my motor does let go and a knock sensor could have prevented it; I'm at 240,000km at the moment. That's a pretty tired motor. I wouldn't be too concerned because it's just an excuse to have the whole thing rebuilt. And while I'm in that process a relocate of the factory knock sensor would be easy. I'll keep building up the X and driving it. Rebuild the heart when it comes time to cross that bridge.

Denver to Alberta..... Are you in oil?

Nice Xterra. I always liked the first gen Xterra and the "matching" Frontier. I thought a 4-door Frontier was going to be my first big purchase out of college. But that never happened.

Yes sir, I am most definitely in Oil. I actually graduated high school a year early to take an offer I had when I was 17 back in Wyoming. Oil has taken me quite a few places. Seen some pretty different cultures in different countries, seen some things I absolutely don't like. My job has ruined my marraige, a few friendships and tried my patients with some family, but ultimately, I LOVE what I do! Alberta is just the next step for me.


Random day adventure to Eaton Falls

The girlfriend and I needed to get away for the day after dealing with a fairly stressful week. So we decided on a hiking trip up to Eaton Falls, just outside of Grande Cache, Alberta. The hike itself isn't all the hard in the summer months, winter was a bit of a challenge, due to all the ice. The scenery wasn't too bad either!


I believe the hike in, eating lunch then hike back out, took us right around 4-5 hours. Granted we took our time and enjoyed ourselves.


Pictures were not a huge concern, as I was videoing with my GoPro for most of the trip. I wanted to compile a little "cute couple's video" for the Girlfriend. Ill post a YouTube link eventually haha.

When we did get to the Falls, the waterfall was completely frozen over, in a few places the ice was a clear as glass and you could watch the falls flowing underneath. It was pretty cool to watch.


After a hearty lunch of PPJ sandwiches, some goofing off and snowball fights, we decided to head back. Mostly because I was having withdrawals from the Xterra, haha!:sombrero: We had a pretty fun drive back, sang to some 90's songs and talked about future adventure plans, and the Xterras maiden voyage after we install all the parts I have sitting aside for it.

GC2 Protune.jpg

In unrelated adventure news, the weather here can't make up its mind. As soon as I get a break in the weather, I'll be parking the X in the garage and started the lift and such. Hopefully not too much longer now!


Adventurer, eh?
I was a little unsure going into it to be honest. But after more research and just thinking about it, I'm not too worried. I'm not making enough power for knock to be a major issue, plus I run 94 octane up here, so again another factor to not worry too much about knock. These motors simply do not put out enough boost for it to be a concern, if I have an issue with a knocking motor, then I've had an underlying issue for awhile. Let's say my motor does let go and a knock sensor could have prevented it; I'm at 240,000km at the moment. That's a pretty tired motor. I wouldn't be too concerned because it's just an excuse to have the whole thing rebuilt. And while I'm in that process a relocate of the factory knock sensor would be easy. I'll keep building up the X and driving it. Rebuild the heart when it comes time to cross that bridge.

I ran with the relocated sensor for about a year. She seemed to run just as bad. I tried a few things, even to the point I had the knock sensor unbolted, wrapped in foam and tie wrapped to a wiring harness and she was still detecting "knocks" so I eventually got fed up and did the resistor and haven't looked back. I run nothing less then 91 as well. The relocation is quite common for both the S/C and N/A trucks.


This could be anywhere
I've heard mine knocking back before I changed the knock sensor, but that was fully loaded on the steepest part on the way up to the ski hill, had to take my foot out of it. youd probably be fine in alberta haha


No new updated at the moment. Still waiting on the weather to decide what it wants to do. Problem is, it storms and drops a ton of snow, then gets hot and it all melts, so the roads are gross and the garage I'm going to do all my work in, is down an unpaved back ally. So I don't want to get mud and slush all over my girlfriends garage and I don't feel like working on something coated in crap from the road.

I have been looking at new 15 inch wheels, and I'm debating having some rock rings welded on if I get them. Does anyone have any experience with the rings?


Rock Rings... Like beaded rims? I've never heard the term before! Also, dropping from a 17 to a 15 is aesthetically better IMO, but will help out as an investment later down the road, when purchasing tires. In comparison, I bought 5 BFG Ko2s in 15s for $912 USD. Prior to that, I had Cooper STTs in the 17s, paying about $1400 for 4. Worst decision ever made in a vehicle purchase, but I came back from deployment, and I was young.

"Adventure is out there."
-Russell, Pixar's Up


Adventurer, eh?
Ya. I've also dropped from 17's to 15's. I do keep the 17's as my winter rims, but it's part that I don't want to part with the SC rims, but also, it makes it easier to get the tallest *true* winter tires compared to 16's and 15's. I ran the Pathfinder 15's for a while for my off-road and winter rims, but over time they got out of balance/warped. My new 33's going on in spring/a few weeks will be on the (5 set of) Desert Runner 15's that I've got powdercoated black. I can't wait to get them installed on the truck and get the spare tire carrier finished. I've also got another 8 DR rims I picked up fall 2014 for a stupid price. Nismo rims are sweet as well, but really hard to find.


I've already bought my tires for my 17s, but I'm thinking I'll sell them off after this season and put snow tires on those 17s, then buy another set of KO2s for some 15s. Price difference between the two are insane!!

As for the rock rings, far as I can tell they just weld onto the outside lip of your wheel, so not bedlock. Probably to protect the valve stem. I'm sure they have other uses as well, but they sure do look cool!



After another quick search, it seems they add considerable strength to the wheel as well. Wouldn't be a bad idea for overland guys, its just extra insurance against wheel failures right? The only downfall I can see is you can't use traditional wheel balancers. That's where these would come in.. http://www.innovativebalancing.com/

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