2400 miles… 35 hours driving in 4 1/4 days..
Central Ohio to Niagara Falls and stayed the night at the welcome center… slept to the sound of the falls and the rapids…
Next stop was Lake Ontario.. that finished out the last Great Lake I needed to visit…
A beautiful drive across NY thru Vermont (beautiful BTW…) the long way south to north.. then into New Hampshire… we drove so long without hardly another vehicle near us… lots of moose crossing signs…. No mooses… but more amazing views!!!
Got to Mount Washington late in the evening so we found a great campground by the cog railway. Wife wanted to camp less dispersed and we started a new camping trend… Parking Lot Pie!!! Multiberry,pecan and Buttermilk Pie!! Trust me on the buttermilk!!
Next morning the weather was perfect… unfortunately we should have climbed the mountain in low range 2wd… we got to mile 3 and the temperature spiked and we boiled over…made it to (no joke) radiator springs!! Cooled off.. couple gallons of cold water… drove another 1/2 mile 4400 feet elevation and she got hot… so we called it.. too many miles to drive so we bailed down to town… 3 1/2 gallons of coolant later and we were full n perfect temp) holds 4…
From there we drove to BAR HARBOR MAINE!! where we got snacks.. found a leaking water pump…. Found an auto zone… put in some stop leak and got an extra gallon of antifreeze…(we checked over the remainder of the trip and never had another drip of coolant or needed any refills!)
Got some lobsters… drove to thunder hole and had an amazing romantic dinner in the parking area….
The next 2 days were a blur of driving around Acadia national park and the island…so many sights and sounds and good food!! We found coin operated showers and bunked at the Walmart (parking lot pile every night!!)
Discovered there’s an island off bar harbor you can WALK TO during low tide!!! That was WILD!! Lil crabs all over
We finally left Monday afternoon headed to the Warren Tavern in Boston for a beer n dinner… well Boston isn’t big van friendly and after 25 min of VERY narrow roads and one way streets we gave up and headed to another pub further away from the center of town… got a bacon infused beer and tacos… then turned south west for Rhode Island and then Hartford Connecticut Cabellas… good nights sleep and an early shower… 990 miles home and only one traffic jam..
We for sure will be back to bar harbor!!
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