You saw it here first_ NEW LHD EarthCruiser

John E Davies

And... what happened to the top half of the camper door? Is there one? How is the entry door area sealed when the roof is up?

That's a good question. The RHD model has a short door and a window above:


John Davies
Spokane WA USA
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Kodiak Buckaroo
I'd guess the door different is that in the LHD (U.S.) model you now enter through the bathroom (that actual adds some space) while the RHD (Aussie) model, the entry door is a separate area.
You can see the floor plans at the EarthCruiser website here: Click on the LHD or RHD at the lower portion of the page and it will bring the floorplan you want.

I'm not an 'expert' but in reading trip reports. . . yes they fit into a 20ft High-cube container (or 2 of them in a 40ft High-cube, which is cheaper{divided by 2} and easier to find then a 20ft High-cube) and once in the container the driver climbed out the driver's side window, connected the front tie-down straps, and crawled out under the vehicle.

I sure am looking forward to seeing one in person.

John E Davies

I'd guess the door different is that in the LHD (U.S.) model you now enter through the bathroom (that actual adds some space) while the RHD (Aussie) model, the entry door is a separate area.

That is true, but where the heck is the top part?

I have mixed feelings about entering through the head. If I need to get into the cabin when I am wet and muddy, it makes a lot of sense ... unless my wife is sitting on the toilet or taking a shower. Then I would have to wait outside or enter through the front cab crawl through. Not good!

John Davies
Spokane WA USA


Crazy Person
That is true, but where the heck is the top part?
That's what I asked. I am assuming that there is a zip up section in the poptop.
My other concern is the bungee cord at neck height in the doorway... that just looks like an accident waiting for a place to happen.
Am I missing something here?


That's what I asked. I am assuming that there is a zip up section in the poptop.
My other concern is the bungee cord at neck height in the doorway... that just looks like an accident waiting for a place to happen.
Am I missing something here?

I am seeing a white clasp on the end of the bungee....undo it when in camp mode, fasten before the top is lowered.

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Crazy Person
I am seeing a white clasp on the end of the bungee
True, but as far as I am aware, that bungee cord keeps tension on the material of the poptop.
If it is undone then I expect that the sides/windows will have more tendency to flap around. Am I wrong?


True, but as far as I am aware, that bungee cord keeps tension on the material of the poptop.
If it is undone then I expect that the sides/windows will have more tendency to flap around. Am I wrong?

Thought it is more for keeping material inwards so it doesn't get trapped between the roof and top of the walls when closing.
At least that is my assumption. I am sure EarthCruiser will chime in to clear the matter.


I have mixed feelings about entering through the head. If I need to get into the cabin when I am wet and muddy, it makes a lot of sense ... unless my wife is sitting on the toilet or taking a shower. Then I would have to wait outside or enter through the front cab crawl through. Not good!

John Davies
Spokane WA USA

How often is that going to happen?

The Turtle V had the toilet/shower in the entry...makes a lot of sense to me. Very good use of space.

For example, a shower/toilet bathroom, even if it's combined, consumes a huge volume of dead air space in a small camper. The simple solution is to put the shower stall in the doorway. A Thetford Porta Potti slides out from a side compartment into the same space,&#8212;-which is a doorway 99% of the time. We have poked fun at the &#8220;****-shower-shave-cook-breakfast-at-the-same-time-please-don't-get-the toilet paper-wet&#8221; RV designs for years, since we never had the luxury of an inside toilet or shower. Frankly, we still fail to see the value of having two sinks you can reach out and touch at the same time. It's OK to brush your teeth in the kitchen. But an inside toilet and a shower? Maybe there was a way.



Expedition Leader
The Turtle V had the toilet/shower in the entry...makes a lot of sense to me. Very good use of space.
My Sprinter had this scheme, stressed by John Speed in his Travel Vans book as the only sensible thing to do in a small camper. Why, he asks, devote 10-20% of your floor space to an area that is empty most all of the time?

Anyway, having lived with this arrangement, it is workable, and in something like my Sprinter cabin, which was about 60 square feet, nearly essential.


My Sprinter had this scheme, stressed by John Speed in his Travel Vans book as the only sensible thing to do in a small camper. Why, he asks, devote 10-20% of your floor space to an area that is empty most all of the time?

Anyway, having lived with this arrangement, it is workable, and in something like my Sprinter cabin, which was about 60 square feet, nearly essential.

It makes more sense than not.

The Earth Cruiser seems very well thought out, perhaps pulling an idea or two from the book you mentioned.


New member
It makes more sense than not.

The Earth Cruiser seems very well thought out, perhaps pulling an idea or two from the book you mentioned.

Not that I will ever be able to afford one of these but the real issue seems to be the lack of a complete 360 deg door seal as is shown in the RHD one. The top part of the door may leak in a strong rain or snow storm with the top up if there in fact is not a rubber seal on it. I would prefer the same design the RHD has.

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