2011 Hotshot Conversion

Blair G

I’m thinking so just the fact of being able to access the cab from the camper seems like enough reason to me. Just have to get the windows taken out and cut it through. What is everyone’s experience with the accordion style pass thru rubber?
Looks like you already have access to the cab? Does the cab already have a slider?


Blair G

These are what I mean by the interior “bins” I’m planing on removing these aswell as the metal storage containers on top.
I left the outside compartments with the exception of the drivers rear section. I removed the inner section of the compartment to build my bathroom. Toilet cassette is behind the rear upper saw/tool compartment door.
Made some good progress tonight got one section of the lower interior bins removed as well as one section of the upper storage compartments cut out. What I plan to do is use the existing metal structure to attach my new roof and walls to so I have some “studs” basically to screw too after I insulate. What you’re seeing on the floor is the back side of the outside bins. IMG_2457.jpegIMG_2455.jpeg
Not much exciting to report today just doing some little stuff like replacing some broken pull handles and steel wooling the mirrors and windows to get some white over spray off


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Made some good progress today. Got one side completely gutted of all the upper and lower cabinets and shelves. Also got the area where the shower will go prepped and cut out in order to have a stand up shower, just have to figure out how to get the toilet in that area aswell and start making the shower pan


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I left the outside compartments with the exception of the drivers rear section. I removed the inner section of the compartment to build my bathroom. Toilet cassette is behind the rear upper saw/tool compartment door.
Do you happen to have any pictures of this?
Finally had some time to fab up the panels to close off the shower area from the outside. Ended up reusing the metal that I removed from the upper cabinets for the reenforcing as well as some of the existing bracing that I cut out to brace the new floor in the shower. IMG_2486.jpeg IMG_2485.jpeg
Got the toilet pass thru cut out and framed, also welded in the supports that are going to hold the slides that the toilet will be sitting on, they will lock and it will have a door that swings open and closed with a latch.


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Don’t have many more pictures to update as of right now but I will take some. I got my gray water tanks here and figured out where I wanted to mount them and how I want to plumb them, since I’m doing the composting toilet the only thing that will drain to my gray water tank is my sink and shower. Wanted to get everyone ones opinion on how much fresh water is enough? I can comfortably do 80 gallons currently but could probably get another 20 with some work. Was wondering if you thought 80 was enough or how much you guys use vs the amount of time before refilling.

Thank you


Active member
What is the endurance goal you are aiming for with regards to not needing to refill? That will and should help determine how much water you want/need? The general rule is to plan for the desert with a 1 gallon-per-person per-day. Factor in a quick shower or two and you may be 7 gallons every 5 days per-person, and that's being somewhat conservative and assuming you're not showering every day. This accounts for ~32 oz for cooking and 96 oz for drinking. Waste not, want not. I say desert as generally speaking the summer is the extreme end and where you're likely to consume the most water - the desert part puts emphasis on that. In the winter we typically drink less. My opinion is to plan for at least 10 days without a need for a refill. If you could plan-for 15 days you're even better, but then food/beer become the limitation. YMMV.

Also, where do you plan to travel? If you're moving you're always going to be within easy striking distance of a fill up. There's becoming increasingly less reason to plan for long stretches of nothing in N. America. There's towns and gas stations all over, within reasonable distance from most roads for a fill up. Water = weight = diminished fuel consumption. Maybe not provisions, but fuel along with water isn't as scarce as we perceive. If you include a filtration system into your setup, then where you get water now becomes moot as with the right filter you now can fill from any freshwater source. I think there's a fear that we have to be able to carry everything all the time. Also, at some point your food supply will become the limiting factor.

I feel that 80 gallons exceeds any reasonable endurance goal you may be thinking about. Even with 3 people/2 people and a dog.
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Got the toilet area all framed and enclosed. Also got the slides mounted as well as the frame for the toilet built. Got the mounts done for the gray and the fresh water tanks. I went with 80 gallons of fresh water, because I don’t want to worry about running out, I plan to be off grind for anywhere between 2-4 weeks at a time. I’m doing a composting toilet some not much to worry about in that department. And my gray tanks only hold 20 gallons but I don’t have a problem draining that, I know you usually try to keep the gray and fresh water capacity the same but that wasn’t a huge concern of mine. Also did some research on what pump and accumulator setup I want to use. Any pro/ cons to using propane over electric water heater? Other than the obvious of refilling propane? I’m hoping I will be able to get my pump setup and my filter setup and water heater all in those front 2 compartments.


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