Need a real axe


Expedition Leader
Well I Have a gerber non folding hatchet which works well for making fire starting material but I Need something to chop wood, whether for fire or whatever. I don't mind heft, as tends to make the axe work better. I don't think anything from the home improvement stores look to be worth the money. Any suggestions?



Automotive ADHD is fun!
I have been intrigued by this one for a while. For $25, it may be worth a try...

New Swiss Military Reserve Woodsman Axe.

Click image to enlarge...
New Swiss Military Reserve Axe

Axe to grind? Keep this baby in reserve! It's THE one to swiftly split logs into firewood. Fell trees like the folklore lumberjack, Paul Bunyan.

* Heavy-duty to the bone
* 20" solid hardwood handle
* Large axe head with a 4 1/2" sharp blade
* 1 1/2 x 2 7/8" flip-side pounding surface. Weighs 4 lbs., 11 ozs.

Condition: brand new, never issued. Own this useable collectible ONLINE today!

!!! Limited Quantities !!!

New Swiss Military Reserve Axe

WARNING: You must be 18 or older to purchase Axes. Axes cannot be shipped to D.C.; MA or Puerto Rico. Please check your State, County and City laws for restrictions before ordering Axes.

WX2-144460 New Swiss Military Reserve Axe


Well I Have a gerber non folding hatchet which works well for making fire starting material but I Need something to chop wood, whether for fire or whatever. I don't mind heft, as tends to make the axe work better. I don't think anything from the home improvement stores look to be worth the money. Any suggestions?

What is wrong with the home store ones? It's a hunk of steel on the end of a stick you use to chop wood. If you know how to sharpen it with a mill file it will work forever. I'm on my third handle with the same head. This isn't rocket science, my guess is the average "Home store" axe is better quality than the axes that won the west.


Expedition Leader
What is wrong with the home store ones? It's a hunk of steel on the end of a stick you use to chop wood. If you know how to sharpen it with a mill file it will work forever. I'm on my third handle with the same head. This isn't rocket science, my guess is the average "Home store" axe is better quality than the axes that won the west.

Point taken, I will take this into consideration. I'm not looking for something fancy or spendy so maybe I'll look again tomorrow and see whats offered.


I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
I got an axe from Home Depot that has served me well. Inexpensive with a yellow platic handle. Sharpen it once in a while but does the job with ease. If I were cutting wood for a living I might look else where but for the occasional use it just works.
Jason T.


I like that Pulaski. Will have to check out how and where it's made.

My problem with the home store products is that they're often made of cheaper quality steel that is more likely to fracture or chip if you strike something you didn't expect.

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