2017 Chevy Colorado ZR2


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
You torment yourself too much, man. If new then you have to decide based on what is out there. I wasn't forced into buying new so I was able to find my '08 with low miles and an OK price. It was $10K less than a new (in 2015) version and only had 42K miles on it. So I was reasonably happy.

If I was being forced into a new truck I'd probably do an extra cab Colorado in WT trim or a Tacoma SR 4 cylinder/5 speed with the Utility package and build to my needs. In the end I'm more or less turning a TRD Offroad into a SR anyway, whatever resale value I had is pretty much being shot to heck when stuff like the 120VAC inverter and power windows are removed in favor of regular cab, 2WD junk yard parts. People have done worse, like doing SAS on brand new trucks.

They're just /things/ afterall. If the tool (truck) doesn't work for you, then get something else. For me all the worrying about diesel Hilux and the grass being greener was just consuming attention better spent on other stuff. The plain value of getting in and turning the key was higher than whether or not it had the right things. I'll make it into what I want over time. If I can find a FJC transfer case I'll be mostly happy mechanically with my truck, honestly.
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Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Don't trust the 3.5 just yet, that and the gas mileage is lack luster.
To be fair it's the FKS part that worries me. The engine itself doesn't, being in minivans, RAV4s and Camrys forever. The lousy MPG is what it is, probably more that the Tacoma has the aerodynamics of a smoothed brick with chrome accents. That's been true since 2005, though.


Finally in expo white.
I'm in a 2016 Tacoma 12 hours a day for work. It's a sr v6 extended cab. I like it but there isn't really any room in the back seat area for adults so it wouldn't be a good vehicle for me personally. If you hit that little ECT button it fixes the goofy shifting and it feels like a rocket when you floor it getting on the highway. It's faster than my Forester I'd guess and it weighs over 1,000lbs more. I do a fair amount of unimproved road/trails ever day and it does everything perfectly fine. Low range 1st gear gives a lot of control on ice covered steep hills. It makes me wish my forester had low range.

p nut

I'm in a 2016 Tacoma 12 hours a day for work. It's a sr v6 extended cab. I like it but there isn't really any room in the back seat area for adults so it wouldn't be a good vehicle for me personally. If you hit that little ECT button it fixes the goofy shifting and it feels like a rocket when you floor it getting on the highway. It's faster than my Forester I'd guess and it weighs over 1,000lbs more. I do a fair amount of unimproved road/trails ever day and it does everything perfectly fine. Low range 1st gear gives a lot of control on ice covered steep hills. It makes me wish my forester had low range.

Don't you have X-mode? I heard that works well. Wish my Outback had it.


Perpetual Transient
Clutch, I think you would be stoked with an access cab first gen Tundra. Outside of the lack of manual in the V8. I loved mine and it's build quality was great, better than our more recent FJC which didn't feel like it was screwed together as well. The gen 1 Tundras are a great size too.

More thoughts on the Colorado Duramax today. Owners are reporting issues with the DPF's and the need to regen causing the symptoms that happened to my wife when letting them idle too long. This makes me wonder how these things are going to fair in an environment where you are traveling along at moderate distances at slow speeds, say in low range, where essentially you are giving very little throttle inputs as you are working through rough terrain. Is this going to trigger that exact scenario? Has me concerned a little. Imagine having your family way out in the backcountry somewhere, like southern Utah where we like to spend time, on a hot day which has you running ac to keep the the little people cool, then have it go into limp mode needing to be shutoff or restarted, if you are lucky to reset it or worse needing you to stretch its legs somehow AND needing to reset the codes. Hoping my OBD diagnostics tool works on this truck. This is a pretty realistic scenario for stuff we like to use our 4wd vehicles for. Would be a huge bummer if this type of scenario wouldn't jive with the truck's needs to regen.


I think it's safe to say we can all now safely convert to Hinduism from the number of times we've witnessed this horse reincarnated.

Clutch -- Times are changing. No perfect config exists anymore for you, it seems (in US). But just be thankful you still have manual steering/braking! :D
Toyota keeps disappointing. First the new Tacoma. Then, the '18 Tundra
Hey, how about a mass exodus to Oz? They sell them like this, stock!

Ha ha!
No kidding!
Well...there is talk of us moving to Central or South America when we retire. (she lived in Panama for 2 years)

You torment yourself too much, man. If new then you have to decide based on what is out there. I wasn't forced into buying new so I was able to find my '08 with low miles and an OK price. It was $10K less than a new (in 2015) version and only had 42K miles on it. So I was reasonably happy.

If I was being forced into a new truck I'd probably do an extra cab Colorado in WT trim or a Tacoma SR 4 cylinder/5 speed with the Utility package and build to my needs. In the end I'm more or less turning a TRD Offroad into a SR anyway, whatever resale value I had is pretty much being shot to heck when stuff like the 120VAC inverter and power windows are removed in favor of regular cab, 2WD junk yard parts. People have done worse, like doing SAS on brand new trucks.

They're just /things/ afterall. If the tool (truck) doesn't work for you, then get something else. For me all the worrying about diesel Hilux and the grass being greener was just consuming attention better spent on other stuff. The plain value of getting in and turning the key was higher than whether or not it had the right things. I'll make it into what I want over time. If I can find a FJC transfer case I'll be mostly happy mechanically with my truck, honestly.

After the last couple break downs, the better half suggested I should get a new truck. Awesome got a pass from the boss...but nothing on the market really excites me, at least at my dirt bag price point of $25K...was going to pull money out of retirement to buy a new truck, which doesn't appeal to me either, why spend the money on something I don't like?

Dirt bike season needs to hurry up and get here, so I can stop twiddling my thumbs, over a whole lot of nothing. ;)

We are kinda going through the same thing with our house....she wants to add an art studio on to it, or do we move to bigger house? Love the location, but pickins are slim to get exactly what we want in that location, without spending an arm and a leg.

I'm in a 2016 Tacoma 12 hours a day for work. It's a sr v6 extended cab. I like it but there isn't really any room in the back seat area for adults so it wouldn't be a good vehicle for me personally. If you hit that little ECT button it fixes the goofy shifting and it feels like a rocket when you floor it getting on the highway. It's faster than my Forester I'd guess and it weighs over 1,000lbs more. I do a fair amount of unimproved road/trails ever day and it does everything perfectly fine. Low range 1st gear gives a lot of control on ice covered steep hills. It makes me wish my forester had low range.

No spawn here, extra cab works fine...has worked for the past 15 years, will work for another I am guessing. :D

Suby would kinda work for most of the stuff, but I do just enough gnarly stuff in the Taco, that would kill a Forester pretty quick.
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Clutch, I think you would be stoked with an access cab first gen Tundra. Outside of the lack of manual in the V8. I loved mine and it's build quality was great, better than our more recent FJC which didn't feel like it was screwed together as well. The gen 1 Tundras are a great size too.

Have looked at those too. Great size, decent power. Prices aren't too out of line. Like the subdued looks.

More thoughts on the Colorado Duramax today. Owners are reporting issues with the DPF's and the need to regen causing the symptoms that happened to my wife when letting them idle too long. This makes me wonder how these things are going to fair in an environment where you are traveling along at moderate distances at slow speeds, say in low range, where essentially you are giving very little throttle inputs as you are working through rough terrain. Is this going to trigger that exact scenario? Has me concerned a little. Imagine having your family way out in the backcountry somewhere, like southern Utah where we like to spend time, on a hot day which has you running ac to keep the the little people cool, then have it go into limp mode needing to be shutoff or restarted, if you are lucky to reset it or worse needing you to stretch its legs somehow AND needing to reset the codes. Hoping my OBD diagnostics tool works on this truck. This is a pretty realistic scenario for stuff we like to use our 4wd vehicles for. Would be a huge bummer if this type of scenario wouldn't jive with the truck's needs to regen.

Makes me wonder how well they are going to do over long term.


Perpetual Transient
Have looked at those too. Great size, decent power. Prices aren't too out of line. Like the subdued looks.

Makes me wonder how well they are going to do over long term.
Yeah me too. I am pretty much on the same wavelength as you as to what I want in a truck with the exception that now I have two little ones. Probably the vehicle I most love is the FJ60 because it's the perfect blend of mechanical simplicity yet reasonably comfortable. Pretty much any newer 4wd can out do it in any measure but if I had to pick any 4wd to drive 30 years on, the FJ60 would be it. I don't think I would want to drive any current modern truck past 15 years personally.

Pictures of our last 60 just to make this thread prettier ;-)



The vehicle we missed the most was our '73 VW Westy....even though it was woefully underpowered. Brought a smile to my face every time I drove it. Try to tell myself not to get emotional or attached to a vehicle, but it never works. New vehicles don't seem to have a soul.

Think that is half the problem with the Tacoma, while it is no aircooled VW or a 60... had it for so long...as taken me on a lot of adventures, can't bare to part with with. A lot of memories in the ol' girl.

yes! thread needs some pretty pictures...a couple from last October. :D


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Middle Income Semi-Redneck
New vehicles don't seem to have a soul.
Bunk. It's because you've...

had it for so long...as taken me on a lot of adventures, can't bare to part with with. A lot of memories in the ol' girl.
They all develop a uniqueness that you come to associate with memories. That's all it is and a new truck's quirks will become familiar with time, too. Hopefully not things like Kristian is coming across, though! Every vehicle I've owned needed some initial knuckle busting to fix and mod things before I became comfortable that I felt like I knew and trusted it.

That Tacoma was just a generic Taco like 150,000 others Toyota made that year until you made it yours.

When my old truck started deteriorating it actually was depressing me a little to watch it rusting away. I don't have the time or space or backup truck to do restorations, which is what it was really needing, and that attachment took almost a year to get over so that I could finally sell it. So it cuts both ways. You don't want to start getting mad at it when it strands you some place with a blown headgasket or something. So cutting it loose while you remember it fondly can also be the right move.
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Bunk. It's because you've...

They all develop a uniqueness that you come to associate with memories. That's all it is and a new truck's quirks will become familiar with time, too. Hopefully not things like Kristian is coming across, though! Every vehicle I've owned needed some initial knuckle busting to fix and mod things before I became comfortable that I felt like I knew and trusted it.

That Tacoma was just a generic Taco like 150,000 others Toyota made that year until you made it yours.

When my old truck started deteriorating it actually was depressing me a little to watch it rusting away. I don't have the time or space or backup truck to do restorations, which is what it was really needing, and that attachment took almost a year to get over so that I could finally sell it. So it cuts both ways. You don't want to start getting mad at it when it strands you some place with a blown headgasket or something. So cutting it loose while you remember it fondly can also be the right move.

Reminds me of a conversation my best friend and I were have not too long ago, we both bought our Tacomas within 6 months of each other, we were talking of all the places we have gone in them...and how they both are getting long in the tooth, what great little trucks they have been to us, yadda yadda ya...neither one of us like the new ones....he says to me...yan know we both are going to have to buy new trucks one day...I bow my head and look at the floor..."yeah, I know..." They're just trucks doncha know...."yeah, I know..."

p nut

DiD speaks the truth! We've all gotta make hard choices. Just be thankful you don't need to make one like mine: We may need to get a minivan soon. (Wife won't drive an SUV--hates them). I've got similar problems as DiD. Garage isn't big enough for both the van and my full size. Uh oh. I may have to drive the Sub or maybe make a 4Runner work. Not a happy day. I love this truck, even with the short time I've had it. Lots of road trips with the fam. Already feeling attached. My buddy that carries me and my filthy bike(s) up the mountain in 0 deg weather in total comfort. Trips to Moab, Cali, CO, WY. Road trips with friends.
Already got the truck I want, that's still a youngster only at 20k miles. Now I may have to give it up. Not even for another truck (Taco and other "midsize" are BIG!). Unless I can come up with a solution by some miracle in the next few months....
So I know how you feel. Don't think moving on is a bad thing, though. Certain creature comforts aren't half bad as some make it out to be. Back up cam/Sonar? Thought it was totally frivolous, but now I can't imagine a car without it. Bluetooth--awesome. Lots of nice features that you just might become "attached" to.


DiD speaks the truth! We've all gotta make hard choices. Just be thankful you don't need to make one like mine: We may need to get a minivan soon. (Wife won't drive an SUV--hates them). I've got similar problems as DiD. Garage isn't big enough for both the van and my full size. Uh oh. I may have to drive the Sub or maybe make a 4Runner work. Not a happy day. I love this truck, even with the short time I've had it. Lots of road trips with the fam. Already feeling attached. My buddy that carries me and my filthy bike(s) up the mountain in 0 deg weather in total comfort. Trips to Moab, Cali, CO, WY. Road trips with friends.
Already got the truck I want, that's still a youngster only at 20k miles. Now I may have to give it up. Not even for another truck (Taco and other "midsize" are BIG!). Unless I can come up with a solution by some miracle in the next few months....

Mine hates cars & minivans, go figure...she loves her SUV, even though I wasn't fond of it at first...it has grown on me, think the best part is the rear passenger doors, even though we never haul passengers like the doors to toss groceries or other crap back there, rear seats stay folded flat most of the time. Makes me want a crew cab truck just for that reason. Think the Chevy and Ram fullsize extended cab doors open the traditional way and aren't suicide doors like on the F150, Tacoma, Colorado.

Always wanted a modern version of my VW Westy, that thing was great for Sunday drives and that was about it.

I would totally rock a mini-van if we could get these. There I go again, always want what we can't get... :p


So I know how you feel. Don't think moving on is a bad thing, though. Certain creature comforts aren't half bad as some make it out to be. Back up cam/Sonar? Thought it was totally frivolous, but now I can't imagine a car without it. Bluetooth--awesome. Lots of nice features that you just might become "attached" to.

New vehicles are nice, almost shocked how nice they are, compared to my well worn Taco....could always put it on "Letgo".... ;) :D
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I love your FJ60, Kristian. While my Xterra is a 2006 and a "newer" style, it's become sentimental to me over the years. I'll never get rid of it, but I will move on to another project eventually.











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