All Terrain Lube Storage Solution... Bengels Juice Box


Active member
I really do like your design and I would take it over the quart crate. I do like the quart crate but for my needs i don't need that many quarts of fluid on the quick trips I make.......4 qts will do my engine and the trans specs 10w-30 so no real sense of carrying six + quarts. Plus I don't have the space for their designs.

$40 I would take one, maybe another depending on my budget.

(Are you the same Metal Twister from the OFN?)


Active member
Yes, but dont hold that against me! PLEASE... :ylsmoke:

Ha Ha I will be sure not to........ actually I was just curious! I lurk on OFN from time to time, then I realize I am really not that great of a fabricator :elkgrin:

If you do decide to build these PM me and I am more than willing to pay up front for one.........

Metal Twister

Highly Motivated
Well thank you... I have had a much better response on these than I ever thought I would get . I am planning on making 50 or so around the 1st of the next month. I will be making a 4 & 5 pak our first go around. Un fortunantly Im not set up for credit cards being I am a Mfg. and not in the retail end of the business. Guess a check or money order is going to have to be the way to do this unless it really starts to go. Let me figure out what S&H is going to be and I will get back to you...

Also Fabrication is one of those skills that only improves by actually doing it. Keep fabb'ing and enjoying. Try new things as Change Is Opportunity!
This therad is proof of that. LOL :ylsmoke:

What do we call these things? So far some suggestions are Bengels 4 pak, Bengels Juice Box, or ?
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Not familure with paypal but Ive bought things on line using it im sure. Wonder if I already have an account set up? Better check into that. Thanks

No prob. It's fairly user friendly, even if you have to create a new account. You can send a "request for payment"/invoice, etc. Money goes into your paypal "account" online, and then you can choose a couple different methods of obtaining the funds for your own use. Allows people to pay from their bank accounts, credit cards, etc.

Metal Twister

Highly Motivated
No prob. It's fairly user friendly, even if you have to create a new account. You can send a "request for payment"/invoice, etc. Money goes into your paypal "account" online, and then you can choose a couple different methods of obtaining the funds for your own use. Allows people to pay from their bank accounts, credit cards, etc.

Done deal... Thanks for the heads up on this. Im all set up now I just need to figure out how to use it? LOL Guessing I can print out some type of reciept to send with the product showing the actual transactions some how? I would rather copy and paste something than re write it. Thanks again

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