Birds Of Prey


New member
My dog found this little guy on our morning walk, the pipe he's in is only about 4in.


Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
First and foremost Gonetobaja, Welcome to the Forum!

Second, how does that little owl get out of the tube?

I'd be afraid to look down it thinking it's going to come shooting out at me:Wow1:


New member
First and foremost Gonetobaja, Welcome to the Forum!

Second, how does that little owl get out of the tube?

I'd be afraid to look down it thinking it's going to come shooting out at me:Wow1:

I've been here for some time but my computer crased so I had to start all over, but thanks!

He was a tiny little thing and my dog scared the poor thing!



That teeny owl is so cute! And the Stellar's sea eagle pics are awesome ... do you have more pics of him? Looks like he has some beautiful markings. Something about birds of prey that are just a little more intense, maybe predatory, not sure what it is - but they sure get your attention.

Here's a local one - we don't get alot of eagles around here, so I felt pretty lucky to catch this. I was stopped, taking a pic of a waterfall on Middle Control Rd between Seven Oaks and Angelus Oaks (Big Bear area) when this guy just up and appeared out of nowhere.


Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
WOW!! What a catch suntinez, he had probably been watching you for awhile and you never even noticed him to he took flight!!

I'll have to go see if I have a full body shot of the Sea Eagle

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Since no one has been adding to this thread, I figured I'd throw a few new ones in

These arent the best shots, but I just recently got a 2x converter and have been trying to practice Birds in Flight shots with it on the 400mm lens.

I'm still learning, so be gentle

Osprey at Take Off

Osprey Returning to the Nest

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