Calif Gun Rights=bill SB 249


American Adventurist
This is a perfect example of one who has nothing better to do than call out names and insult one whose opinion they do not like, no biggie.
I see the illusion of freedom and liberty is real in your realm perhaps from behind a curtain FULL OF LIES I'm now willing to bet you specialize in psyops.

So, you deny Leon Panetta and cohorts telling the U.S. Congress that the U.S. MILITARY is beholding to the UNITED NATIONS and not the congress relating to its war making powers? In your mind that's civilian control of the military I'd bet. Again, see it in their own words;

Or how about the U.S. Supreme court rendering rulings based upon international law? I won't waste any time citing the many cases you can research them yourself. I'm well aware of Codes cited are broad and always subject to interpretation and I reserve the right to interpret the PATRIOT ACT & HOMELAND SECURITY as a malignancy to freedom and liberty DIGEST THAT SOME along with your grandmas fruitcake!

Again, As for DOD controlling LE again see emergency management assistance compacts (military compacts); emergency support functions (ESF) for law enforcement within the various states of the union, but again you'll just deny they exist.

"The truth you can't handle the truth"!

You remind me of the phrase, "it may not be legal/lawful or constitutional but that's the way it is" doesn't appeal to me and a vast majority of private Americans these days.

I'm guessing you will just keep up the tantrum and stay in the state of denial I'll not respond further.......................Have a nice day.:ylsmoke:

Gosh, I don't have anything against you, I just think some of your interpretations are nutty - like my Grandma's fruitcake. No, my military specialty wasn't PSYOPS; worse, I was a staff officer and I'm here to help. But I was a successful staff officer who adhered to truth and fact.

I find it ironic that you quote the iconic movie character from "A Few Good Men," Jack Nicholson as Col Nathan Jessup, who after having been caught in a lie exclaimed, "You can't handle the truth!"

I wonder if you actually read what you cite. The video represents Mr. Sessions in an act of political grandstanding. The subject at hand is the concept of America actually respecting our international treaties. Treaties signed by the Executive and approved by the Legislative branch are part of the law of this land. We have agreements with nations and organizations globally - are you suggesting we not honor them? The SECDEF and COS of the Army are engaged in a precision vocabulary exchange with Mr. Sessions as he tries to challenge (which has been done since 1951 with every president irrespective of political affiliation) the relationship between the Executive and Legislative branches.

The second document you cited is an act from our legislature that states, "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "United Nations Participation Act of 1945." Under section 6 of that act is the legal basis for the Executive and the military to consult with those treaty organizations to conduct military operations. That is the basis of Mr. Panetta's and the General's reply - don't you find it odd that Mr. Sessions appears ignorant of that law?

Now, if we were as a Nation to declare war against Syria then constitutionally the President has the obligation to seek approval from Congress -- that's provided for under the "War Powers Act."

You do realize too we are a founding member of NATO, right? Since 1949 our treaty with those 28 member-states across North America and Europe has provided for our collective defense and a significant contribution to the demise of the former Soviet Union.

I'm very familiar with the National Strategy for Homeland Security and the National Response Framework (NRF). There are several Emergency Support Function Annexes under the NRF, which is essentially an operational plan and supporting (ESF) Annexes to the plan. I've worked within the Incident Command System and also taught it to other personnel over the years when I was on active duty. That's how I can discern that you really have no idea of what you speak, other than to cite some official-sounding titles and acronyms in defense of your specious claims.

This concludes my "tantrum" of fact to your fallacious hyperbole. However, I'm pretty certain you'll be back and continue to respond with your entertaining half-truths. :)

I'll do my job to counter your misinformation and I'm sure you'll continue to spread incomplete and misleading information and misattribution... say, you wouldn't happen to be in PSYOPS, would you? I think you're actually trying to use retroactive interference techniques on the forum. :Wow1:


Wow, that's hard to imagine. Do they expect those hundreds of thousands of Bullet buttoned AR owners to simply give up their rifles?

I'd say a veto from Brown, or a 30-day registration of rifles that would then become registered assault weapons would be more likely...

But, stranger things have happened in this state..haha!

They expect the owners of said rifles to not know the law is coming down the pipe, and then one day a police officer rolls into a local range, finds ten guys with bullet-buttoned AR's and starts slapping on the cuffs. This process repeats, making hundreds of thousands of people who are struggling to cling to whatever remnant of freedom they can find and be able to defend themselves, if in a limited fashion, criminals. This, of course, leaves them permanently disarmed (felony charge and all).

It's a steaming crock of excrement, and I pray it doesn't pass. My prayers won't likely be answered. You gun-toting Californians need to get out, and wherever you go, tell anyone who will listen what happened to your rights in California. Tell them about how you couldn't carry knives, couldn't carry guns, couldn't carry a god-damn cane without a prescription from your doctor. You couldn't drive a car without being hassled about how much CO2 it emits. This is the agenda they want everywhere. If you get out, you have to tell everyone that they can't sit idly by if they want to avoid that life. And don't get me started on the taxes!

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
They expect the owners of said rifles to not know the law is coming down the pipe, and then one day a police officer rolls into a local range, finds ten guys with bullet-buttoned AR's and starts slapping on the cuffs. This process repeats, making hundreds of thousands of people who are struggling to cling to whatever remnant of freedom they can find and be able to defend themselves, if in a limited fashion, criminals. This, of course, leaves them permanently disarmed (felony charge and all).

Well put!!


Own a weapon and ammo?
Keep 7 days worth of food?
You may be considered a Terrorist....

Geez......that would be this entire Forum!



Ok, we get

“As California goes, so goes the nation.”
Let me see if I get this right, or, you support the neo police state where all private citizens are disarmed and only military/police have arms, by your own admission helped to get the neo police state off the ground and into every corner of this once great nation all under the guise of fighting some boggie-man, understandably you go along to get along thinking you will never get on that list Czar Napalitano of DHS expands daily, have you no shame, or?:ylsmoke:

Oh, and its useless to resist!


American Adventurist
Let me see if I get this right, or, you support the neo police state where all private citizens are disarmed and only military/police have arms, by your own admission helped to get the neo police state off the ground and into every corner of this once great nation all under the guise of fighting some boggie-man, understandably you go along to get along thinking you will never get on that list Czar Napalitano of DHS expands daily, have you no shame, or?:ylsmoke:

Oh, and its useless to resist!

I don't understand what you're trying to say; it appears to be a bunch of thoughts and accusations strung together. Is there a question in there hidden behind the vitriol?


Maybe its the power of the multinational banking cartels lording over his mind???

ROFL, Anyway, I was distracted at a check point on Interstate 10 and suffered from more Machiavellian syndrome; The agent asking the question in broken English "are you an American citizen"? actually, had a hard time understanding me telling him that I'm a Chinese national driving a stolen SUV across the free and open roads of America because I'm actually Caucasian w/light eyes, go figure.


The constitution has become a mute issue, here's why, I had asked a recent high school graduate "can you make a sentence using the word constitution" he quickly said yes, I stood there waiting thinking I had found a young person who actually knew of the constitution a few minutes went by and finally he replies "I was constitution for three days and finally went this morning"!

Boy, are we in trouble, or?


Let me see if I get this right, or, you support the neo police state where all private citizens are disarmed and only military/police have arms, by your own admission helped to get the neo police state off the ground and into every corner of this once great nation all under the guise of fighting some boggie-man, understandably you go along to get along thinking you will never get on that list Czar Napalitano of DHS expands daily, have you no shame, or?:ylsmoke:

Oh, and its useless to resist!

He doesn't support it, he's just making a point. Case in point: CARB. We overlanders with our evil jerry cans know this all too well.


Ah crap, is Virginia seceding from the union again?

Does this mean I live in a terrorist state?

Help me understand how I'm being subjugated by my government again, but this time with fact, not wild assertions....

Commonwealth of Virginia Bill of Rights - Article I, Section 13:

"That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power."

The current Virginia Militia under Virginia Code § 44-1 states "The militia of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall consist of all able-bodied citizens of this Commonwealth and all other able-bodied persons resident in this Commonwealth who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, who are at least sixteen years of age and, except as hereinafter provided, not more than fifty-five years of age. The militia shall be divided into four classes, the National Guard, which includes the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard, the Virginia State Defense Force, the naval militia, and the unorganized militia."

OBTW, Virginia isn't the only state that has similar policies in effect or a standing milita.

What your constitution says and what the feds do are two different things. The concept pf militias is no longer supported. Look at the attitude of the federal government towards armed citizens. We are treated like the enemy, we are demonized, we are watched and hassled. When we get together (TEA Party, the few militias still in existence in the US, Minutemen in the border, etc.) we are deemed extremists. Many of these organizations are targeted by FBI and ATF raids, and are intimidated by federal agents, their homes and their organization's associated facilities are raided.
Your state may allow for a militia, but the fed doesn't. And the constitution doesn't give them the power to do it, but they do. Nobody there to stop them, right?


Expedition Leader
It would be nice if the extraneous discussion moved to another thread. It's mildly entertaining at times, but it's a distraction from the task at hand for those of us in California working to stop this bill from being signed.

Today's action for concerned Californians is to visit and email the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
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