Earthroamer: new tire/wheel/suspension

Rod Juliani

New member
ER Tire/Wheel & Air Suspension Retrofit

Thanks for the hearty welcome to the forum. As for the full upgrade to the Continental tires with 20 in. beadlock wheels and the air suspension upgrade, I will be #3.

Rod Juliani

New member
boblynch said:
Rod welcome to the ExPo and thanks for the 1st post. It's nice to get first hand feedback from actual owners. Please post pics and first impressions of the upgrade once it's on the rig.

Thanks Bob and yes I will gladly post pics and comments and impressions as to how it performed and handled while driving from Colorado back to Palm Springs, California

Scott Brady

While I am here picking up my Jeep, I had a chance to talk with EarthRoamer more about the tires and wheels, see them in person and even take a short drive with the new airbag suspension and continental tires. The suspension is quite good, and very compliant, but that is just based on a road course. Another owner that is here has tested the airbag suspension on corrugations, and is very happy with the results, indicating that the air springs noticeably dampen the vibrations and smaller impacts.

I was surprised by how quiet the tires are, but that might have a lot to do with the sound deadening in the Ford cab. We had to turn the HVAC off and stereo off to even hear a minor hum. This was just a very short test, but the ride and drive was good. I look forward to seeing them in use on the trail.



Fills in the spare location nicely

I think they look proportionate. The overall appearance is improved IMO, and looks pretty serious :)

I immediately noticed the increased running ground clearance, and this is at road height. It can raise another 4" for max clearance, or lower all the way down for access height. It can also level with the bags when in camp.

Too fun!




Those really improve the looks & function. OBA & impact wrench will be real handy if you loose more than the spare.

Also like airbag suspension for street & trail - ran AiRock on my 03 Rubicon performed great under many different conditions.
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Active member

Those are some big time rims / tires!!!

Thanks Scott for the inside look!

Some Earthroamer!!!!!


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bummer! I was there just 1 1/2 weeks ago and it was apparently still in pieces. Very interested in more testing results and the stress on the front end off road. Apparently no mods to the gearing or drive train? Are there adapters on both the front and rears with a 12 bolt pattern? That would seem to be a standard military wheel if still requiring adapters...


New member
Adhere to Continental's MPT 81 factory speed rating when not at max payload?

I need a set of tires for a single wheel F550 much like the Eartrhroamer only lighter in weight. I was told to look into the Continental MPT 81's in a 335/80R20 like Earthroamer is now offering but have no knowledge of these tires but simply the dimensions. They'll only have approx 2800 lbs. load apeice most of the time, much lower than max capacity. Can I get away with 70-80 mph occasionally since they're lightly loaded or will they overheat, seperate, etc.? Anyone have a mileage number they've gotten out of a set of these?

Chas Stricker

I'm running the 365/80/20 MPT 81s and have had them at 75mph a couple of times without issue. I would not go above what they are rated very often. My load might be higher than yours, but, the factory has ratings for a reason. At 60-65 mph for 5 hours in 100 degree heat they felt fine, no added heat build up. I have between 20 and 25,000 miles on mine and they might get another 10,000.


New member
Thanks for the good news

"At 60-65 mph for 5 hours in 100 degree heat they felt fine, no added heat build up". That's what I was hoping to hear:)

That sounds good. It wouldn't happen often but the occasional interstate road trip would have them at higher speeds for a few hours straight like you mentioned.

Thanks for the info., Ryan


Expedition Leader
Luv the new geometry

Gee wiz, thanks a lot; I'll be tired all day at work tomorrow after putting an addition onto my Dream Garage while I sleep tonite!


I don't know if I missed it or what, but what rims are those? I may not need beadlocks per-say but they would look damn schweet on my truck will they work with 35" BFG's?

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1. silent; not saying a word: to keep mum.
2. say nothing! be silent!
3. mum's the word, do not reveal what you know (about something); keep silent: Mum's the word, or the surprise party won't be a surprise.

1350–1400; ME momme; imit.


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