Freeze dried hash browns - who else likes them?


I picked up the Costco version and dang, the darn things are good! These will absolutely be joining me on my next camping trip.

why do they have to only be for camping trips? though I do use them backpacking and have since 2012

but they're best loaded down with ham, cheese and jalapenos with an egg on top- also, the only hash browns i've ever been able to get crunchy


Well-known member
why do they have to only be for camping trips? though I do use them backpacking and have since 2012

but they're best loaded down with ham, cheese and jalapenos with an egg on top- also, the only hash browns i've ever been able to get crunchy
I do mine the same way.

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I love them. Been using the little cartons of hashbrowns for years. Costco also sells these really large bags of bacon bits that I like to toss in with my hashbrowns. Heck; bacon goes with everything.


Active member
The wife was sceptical but I made her a believer. Turned them into nests for eggs. The next day the flip didn't go so well (broke the yolks) so I just turned it into a hash and added shredded cheese on top
What griddle is that? Looks like a perfect fit.


New member
These are awesome. We add some fried onions and bacon......rock star breakfast with some eggs. Easy to pack, last forever!


Do they have to be refrigerated?
No, they are dehydrated. People suggesting they're freeze dried are incorrect although they are prepared similarly - you heat up water, open the carton, fill to the line, close the carton and wait 12 minutes, then into the fry pan with oil of your choice (we like using olive oil even though it's not traditional).

We always keep an 8-pack from Costco at home and use them when there's more than two of us here for breakfast. I've never used them camping because it's usually just me so when I want something similar, I use MH Breakfast Skillet (which is actually freeze dried).

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