N.E. Arizona Tour and Dune Camp Nov. 3-4th,2007

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If anyone is interested in some Northern Arizona Petroglyths, cowboy history, very photogenic location on Chevelon Canyon, up close and personal with the Painted Desert, two track trails, camping on sand dunes, and if I can pull it off a surprise in camp on Sat. night.(think tribal) The Holbrook area really has a lot to offer but most don't think about exploring up here. "I've been through there" is what most folks say. Here is your chance to see some of this area. Here is the a tentative schedule.

>Converge on the corner in Windslow, AZ. at 8:00am Saturday Nov. 3rd.

>Depart no later than 8:30am for a very scenic spot on the Chevelon Canyon.

>From there we will follow a two track back to the territorial rd. and east to Rock Art Ranch, The Ranch is the former headquarters of the Hashknife Ranch or Aztec Land and Cattle Co. where they ran 60,000 head of cattle on almost 2 million acres. It is also home to the largest collection of Indian Petroglyths in Arizona. They have an Indian Ruin, a sweat lodge, Dineh (Navajo) home, cowboy antiques, antique gun collection, ancient one-of-a-kind pottery found on the ranch, and the last bunkhouse of the Hashknife Ranch. There is a fee for the ranch that is negotiated depending on group size. I will take care of this negotiation prior to our arrival once I have an idea how many are interested.

>From the ranch we will travel east on the territorial rd. then south down to the rim just above Dry Lake. This route will be a few miles of dirt road then two track most of the way with a few more miles of dirt road before we hit Hy. 377 and head north to Holbrook.

>Once at Holbrook we will travel north on the Jeffers' Ranch to the sand dunes where we will make camp. If I get enough interest in this adventure I am going to try to get some local Navajo Dancers to come out to camp and perform for us.

>Sunday morning we can explore the dunes and the Leroux Wash, then We will head west to Joseph City then north into the desert where we will see Petrified Wood and get up close with the Painted Desert Mudstone.

Plan to bring your own meals and drinks.

Most of the route on is dirt road and two track trails, but nothing difficult.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Very cool, I'll need to see if I can swing it at that time, but would love to bring my oldest boy.


Subscribing to this thread.

I (or we) we'll be coming from ABQ, NM so I wonder if we should hook up with y'all at Holbrook. Just thinking out loud.



2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
wow this sounds like a great adventure...I wish I could go but I already signed up for a Landcruiser event in Pismo Beach Surf n Turf that weekend.
I really look forward to reading a trip report and seeing pics...I also look forward to anything else you put together in the future.


alia176 said:
Subscribing to this thread.

I (or we) we'll be coming from ABQ, NM so I wonder if we should hook up with y'all at Holbrook. Just thinking out loud.


Yes, you can meet up with us in Holbrook before we go to Windslow. No problem.


Are the trails such that a fullsize can get through w/o difficulty? I'm debating between the Jeep or the truck for this type of trip.



Rockcrawler said:
Are the trails such that a fullsize can get through w/o difficulty? I'm debating between the Jeep or the truck for this type of trip.


Yes, Your Dodge will be fine, that is what I use. We will travel through open desert, some Pinion forest, but nothing is tight.

AZTROOPER. Yes we will start on Sat. morning and end Sunday early afternoon. Time for everyone to get back home.


My Duputy Sheriff friend and myself are going out tomorrow to tune the route plan. He works the territory that we will be in on this run and ever since I told him about putting it together he has been "scouting" while on patrol. He gets to go wheelin (oh, I mean patrol) out in the wilds all the time and get paid for it. HEHE


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Sounds like a fun run. If we weren't in Death Valley the weekend before i would probably jump on this and drive out to AZ with you guys. Next time i guess.


Just a little teaser shot.
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