Dang that bumper looks soo clean! Excellent work sir
I could add some gusseting to the rear of the pivot. At this moment I only have a single pivot. That swing will be huge and I can see how it will be an inconvenience in parking lots. I'm thinking of purchasing a second to do a dual swing. The weight of the 35 is 9 lbs heavier than the factory wheel and tire combo. If it falls off at least I'll have enough room in the bed for it.Looks great!
As mentioned above I would be concerned with the swingout pivot, the dual shear is great but it really should have something structural at the top. Are you going to do a full length swing arm?
That 35" spare is very heavy and from the pics it looks as if you are going to get a lot of flex. The dual shear hinge is designed to be mounted to the face of a flat surface, with your design I would think a through style spindle hinge would have been best.
Looks great other wise!
Good job!
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I like your swing out. What style of latch do you use with it?
Headed to ct to visit family and attend a wedding. 15.2 mpg on the trip avg 72 mph on the highway. So the tent eats 1.5 mpg. Very reasonable. I expected more of a drop.made it from home in southwest harbor to the 290/90 interchange in Massachusetts before the gas light came on.
Quad, is that 15.2/16.7mpg by the math or does your DC have a computer? What elevation are you at? I have an 05 and struggle to get 15mpg with my topper OFF, with the topper and basket ON,which I am assuming is lighter than your RTT, I avg 13.5, I drive 75 with cruise control, probably 60/40 split city to hwy I live at roughly 8600ft
(by the math per fill up, every fill up, I am somehow strangely anal in this one area of my life)
Your rig is looking sweet btw and can't wait to see the finished swing arm/s setup!!!