QuadsBC's 05 Double Cab Tundra Family Expo Build


Looks great!
As mentioned above I would be concerned with the swingout pivot, the dual shear is great but it really should have something structural at the top. Are you going to do a full length swing arm?
That 35" spare is very heavy and from the pics it looks as if you are going to get a lot of flex. The dual shear hinge is designed to be mounted to the face of a flat surface, with your design I would think a through style spindle hinge would have been best.
Looks great other wise!
Good job!

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Looks great!
As mentioned above I would be concerned with the swingout pivot, the dual shear is great but it really should have something structural at the top. Are you going to do a full length swing arm?
That 35" spare is very heavy and from the pics it looks as if you are going to get a lot of flex. The dual shear hinge is designed to be mounted to the face of a flat surface, with your design I would think a through style spindle hinge would have been best.
Looks great other wise!
Good job!

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I could add some gusseting to the rear of the pivot. At this moment I only have a single pivot. That swing will be huge and I can see how it will be an inconvenience in parking lots. I'm thinking of purchasing a second to do a dual swing. The weight of the 35 is 9 lbs heavier than the factory wheel and tire combo. If it falls off at least I'll have enough room in the bed for it.


A gusset would help, you can do a single swing that is not full length as well.
Here is how I do mine with the dual shear and 3/4 length swing outs.

Not a very close pic but you should be able to zoom in.

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I like your swing out. What style of latch do you use with it?

Headed to ct to visit family and attend a wedding. 15.2 mpg on the trip avg 72 mph on the highway. So the tent eats 1.5 mpg. Very reasonable. I expected more of a drop.made it from home in southwest harbor to the 290/90 interchange in Massachusetts before the gas light came on.



Sounds about right. My tent eats around the same I think. Some sort of fairing is at the top of my to-do list. I'm hoping I can design something I like.


I like your swing out. What style of latch do you use with it?

Headed to ct to visit family and attend a wedding. 15.2 mpg on the trip avg 72 mph on the highway. So the tent eats 1.5 mpg. Very reasonable. I expected more of a drop.made it from home in southwest harbor to the 290/90 interchange in Massachusetts before the gas light came on.

Thanks, Im actually using a slam style bear claw latch. Seems to work well
But not the simplest to make work.


290/90 interchange is 15mins up the road from me. I'd offer to show you some local trails in the quiet corner of CT, if it wasn't Mother's Day weekend and all. Have a good trip. Truck is looking good

Ride it like you stole it!


Your mileage??

Quad, is that 15.2/16.7mpg by the math or does your DC have a computer? What elevation are you at? I have an 05 DC and struggle to get 15mpg with my topper OFF, with the topper and basket ON,which I am assuming is lighter than your RTT, I avg 13.5, I drive 75 with cruise control, probably 60/40 split city to hwy I live at roughly 8600ft ***Edited*** I have the stock wheel size and rims on the OEM suspension, no engine/exhaust mods straight stock.
(by the math per fill up, every fill up, I am somehow strangely anal in this one area of my life :( )
Your rig is looking sweet btw and can't wait to see the finished swing arm/s setup!!!
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Quad, is that 15.2/16.7mpg by the math or does your DC have a computer? What elevation are you at? I have an 05 and struggle to get 15mpg with my topper OFF, with the topper and basket ON,which I am assuming is lighter than your RTT, I avg 13.5, I drive 75 with cruise control, probably 60/40 split city to hwy I live at roughly 8600ft
(by the math per fill up, every fill up, I am somehow strangely anal in this one area of my life :( )
Your rig is looking sweet btw and can't wait to see the finished swing arm/s setup!!!

I struggle to get 15MPG on the highway also.... I'm at approx 3500ft though. I still wonder if replacing the O2's has any benefit if they aren't throwing codes. Might need to start tinkering.


That's a bummer Addison... my current 1000 mile trip average is at 16.6- that's a mix of city and highway. 4400' elevation at my house, 85 octane.

You got the lead foot? I drive 80 on the highway to work, but use the Ultragauge to fine tune my footwork. Around town I don't hesitate to get up to speed, and then again tune the footwork.


Do the up stream o2 sensor. IMO those should be swapped every 10-15k miles considering how nasty today's gasoline is (ethanol). They aren't expensive, and I know my engine isn't the same as yours but I noticed a performance AND power upgrade after changing my up stream o2.


How did the high clearance trimming effect the bedsides? Did they get floppy/loose? Do you think you need to add any bracing to the inside of the bed?

I have not had a chance to run my new 2006 Tundra with the tent. Current mileage with just lift and tires is 17.2mpg corrected with mixed driving. This is on 87 octane at 5280ft with speeds no greater then 80mph.

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