Suzuki Owners; Let's see your ExPo Trucks


New member
By the sounds of it your radio is dead. No way you should be getting absolutely zero incoming reception. Even if the ****tiest antenna you'll still get reception.

Yeah? I have a brand new Midland with a brand new Firestick 4ft antenna. Maybe I should return the radio and get a handheld. The Sammie is awfully small inside as it is.


If space is an issue, I have a Cobra 19DXIV and love it. Just a straight forward really simple CB in a tiny package. I have both a 3 and 2' firestik NGP antennas. The 3' is much better and can get the SWR lower but it's just SO loud on the highway.

Backroad Explorer

Crab do you have a friend that can lend you a radio to a least check for a signal?
You will definitely be disappointed with a handheld! I use a Cobra 75 WX ST Radio very small and compact.

Check your antenna mount again and make sure it is not grounding at the white nylon washer. The steped washer keeps the threaded stud from contacting the mount and grounding the antenna. Also check the coax stud itself to make sure it not shorted at the bottom star washer. The star washer should go around the nylon steped washer.

Driver side antenna is a 102" SS Whip, Passenger side is for FM & Scanner.
The guy wires are Limb Risers to keep tree limbs off winshield.


New member
Crab do you have a friend that can lend you a radio to a least check for a signal?
You will definitely be disappointed with a handheld! I use a Cobra 75 WX ST Radio very small and compact.

Check your antenna mount again and make sure it is not grounding at the white nylon washer. The steped washer keeps the threaded stud from contacting the mount and grounding the antenna. Also check the coax stud itself to make sure it not shorted at the bottom star washer. The star washer should go around the nylon steped washer.

Driver side antenna is a 102" SS Whip, Passenger side is for FM & Scanner.
The guy wires are Limb Risers to keep tree limbs off winshield.
I asked a few guys, nobody has an old CB. what's happened to the world? ;)

Can't I get an adapter to run a handheld through my big beautiful Firestick that does nothing so far? What disappoints about handhelds?

Not sure what you meant about checking that its not grounding at the star washer. I am a noob. I only checked continuity from the base to ground. I know I first tested it with the nylon washer underneath, not having read enough forum threads at that time. Maybe I fried the radio then.

Expensive mistakes. might just toss the whole thing.


New member
Crab do you have a friend that can lend you a radio to a least check for a signal?
You will definitely be disappointed with a handheld! I use a Cobra 75 WX ST Radio very small and compact.

Check your antenna mount again and make sure it is not grounding at the white nylon washer. The steped washer keeps the threaded stud from contacting the mount and grounding the antenna. Also check the coax stud itself to make sure it not shorted at the bottom star washer. The star washer should go around the nylon steped washer.

Driver side antenna is a 102" SS Whip, Passenger side is for FM & Scanner.
The guy wires are Limb Risers to keep tree limbs off winshield.

I see one of these on CL, for $20. A poor choice? CB/1-Handheld/General Electric/General Electric_3-5908.htm


New member
Find an uniden, president Lincoln or something


you're saying the Midland radio is crap, or the General Electric? If you're saying the Midland is no good, then what is? I have a Suzuki, no room for a huge trucker sized CB. I thought this would be fun, but NOOOOOOO.


Down and dirty, no frills talk to your friends radio goodness. I picked this radio up at Radio Shack before it went away, with a new cable and mount for about $65.
Existing radio didn't work so i kicked it to the curb and ran this instead. I can always sing if it gets too lonely, although my kids don't like that much.

A buddy of mine runs that midland, and it's been good to him. The benefits of being small and easily lockable in an open top vehicle help cover some of it's shortcomings. Which aren't much to speak of.

cb by somecallmetimm, on Flickr


New member
OK. Specify what you need it for. Range?


well, yes. But everything I read says 4 watts is 4 watts, and the difference is in the antenna. I have what is supposed to be an excellent antenna. Shouldn't any radio that is functioning give approximately the same usable range? I understand about power mics, etc.


New member
Down and dirty, no frills talk to your friends radio goodness. I picked this radio up at Radio Shack before it went away, with a new cable and mount for about $65.
Existing radio didn't work so i kicked it to the curb and ran this instead. I can always sing if it gets too lonely, although my kids don't like that much.

cb by somecallmetimm, on Flickr

excellent! i really like embarassing the kids. assuming my antenna is ok and I just killed the radio, I just need something from the Goodwill to get me started.

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