Your Bikes


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Kermit said:
I have been out of the loop for awhile, never heard of Hunter.

This is beautiful!
Yeah, man, Rick Hunter. I understand that he builds (or used to at least) his bikes in the same shop at Rock Lobster. I only know about him because he builds custom CX frames and the Dirt Rag loves his bikes.
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2000 Specialized Enduro

ride mostly SoCal trails (Luge, Whiting, San Juan, Aliso Woods etc.)


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Flounder said:
Well, it's only about 80% complete, but this is the new addition to my winter stable. Can't wait. I love me a 'cross bike when the winter rolls around!
Is it replacing something or adding? One of these years I'm gonna have to start looking for a replacement to the Redline. It's 8 years old and being aluminum, one time I know I'm gonna be remounting or barrier hopping and it's gonna be CRACK! I've only raced it for about 5 years, but it's been a commuter for all those years and the mag chloride and salt can't be good for it. I did have to have it repainted in 2003 because the paint looked like heck. Depending on the checkbook, my thoughts are Primus Mootry, Waltworks, Black Sheep or Luna (all local frame guys).


My Hammerhead, its a custom Titus RacerX but with 100 mm travel and 23" top tube, dont use it as much as i should, but thats gonna change.



Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
DaveInDenver said:
Is it replacing something or adding?
I wouldn't say "replacing." I have a Ridley Crosswind with Sram Rival I've been hammering for a while now. This X-Fire is going to be full SRAM Force. Whoot!!! I'm a 'cross bike nerd. I just love'em. I still have my first true 'crosser, a steel Gitane I bought in '89. My poor road bike is beginning to gather dust between races. It was hard deciding on the X-Fire. I thought about a Steelman or some other chi-chi steel beasty, but the inner Belgian in me wanted another Ridley.
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Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Flounder said:
I wouldn't say "replacing." I have a Ridley Crosswind with Sram Rival I've been hammering for a while now. This X-Fire is going to be full SRAM Force. Whoot!!! I'm a 'cross bike nerd. I just love'em. I still have my first true 'crosser, a steel Gitane I bought in '89. My poor road bike is beginning to gather dust between races. It was hard deciding on the X-Fire. I thought about a Steelman or some other chi-chi steel beasty, but the inner Belgian in me wanted another Ridley.
I'm a big 'cross dork too. I've yelled at some the biggest domestic riders (Compton, Bessette, Trebon, Wicks and Kabush) and even been off the back in some of the biggest races here. Last couple of years, I even got to race the UCI 1/2 races up in Boulder (USGP, Redline Cup and Boulder Cup, it was stupid nuts the level of SM Cat 4 35+, bunch of sandbaggers).

I rode a test Yeti earlier this season and just can't get used to the SRAM shifters. I was all over the gears, getting ups when I wanted downs. I guess the more you ride it, the better you get at the feel. But at this point it seems the double paddles of Shimano and Campy are just easier for me to deal with bouncing around. This fall has been a very dry year and all the courses are badly rutted and hard as bricks. It's so bad at some races that I run ~30 psi to keep from rupturing a spleen. Which naturally leaves me with so friggin' many flats (not to mention a nightmare truing session every Monday night). I had to pull myself from my first race in 5 years because I'd flatted both of my starting wheels and the back one from the pit set. It was crazy, like riding in a mine field from the horse hoof holes in hardened like concrete dirt.

Edit: Found a photo of me. What a dink.
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Supporting Sponsor
Here are my rigs... I plan on selling the AC1 early next year & getting something lighter...

my 04 Giant AC1

my new Cannondale Gemini DH

mammoth action


ujointclothing said:
No, not yet. I'd love to get up there asap. Maybe next season.

Best riding I have done. The Shore is great, only 20 or so minutes from downtown Vancouver.

We went up there for the Cranx Fest (sp?) a couple years ago.

Best trail in Whistler is A-line...flipping awesome! You can haul some serious ****** on this trail!
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Supporting Sponsor
Watched the video, great riding! I love the fast pace with jumps. When does the Whistler seson usually open? I may have to plan a trip before Mammoth next year. I have some videos of myself on Velocity in Mammoth, I need to download then to Youtube.


We went in August, sunny, 80 degrees. I am not sure when it opens, I do know, too early in the season, will be a mud fest.

I know longer have a downhill bike, into moto now...watching that video, sure does make me want to get another.

Tucson doesn't have the best downhill scene...motos make more sense down here.

Vail, CO is good, too.

I am sure you have hit Northstar and Downeyville, CA. Downeyville has something like a 13 mile decent. Veggie tubes, follows the Yuba river...totally sweet ride!

That is not me in the video, I am too cheap to buy a helmet cam.
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Tim and Kelsey get lost..

My old'ish Zaskar X. I bought it on 01. Which may have been the last year for zaskars. I love the thing. It's part of me! :arabia:

I do want to get a FS though. They're just so damn expensive!!! :(

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