2004 Dodge/Diesel/Utility Bed/Skamper-Modifications

ToolBox Guy

Lovin it!! This is the plan for my truck too. Unfortunately I had to unexpectedly by new tires (dry rot) so some of my mods will have to wait. But the suspension is close to adequate, then bumpers/winch, then utility bed!!

Once you have a Utility bed on your truck and get it outfitted, you will wonder why you hadn't done it sooner. Haha!

Yeah, they don't look as good as the stock bed (My wife was pissed at first) but the trade off is worth it.


New member
great build! love the utility box idea. once the box on my truck rots out again i plan on installing a utility box. its great having everything you need at and arms reach all neatly tucked away.


New member
Awesome looking, functional rig. Little off topic, but how do you like the trail grapplers on a heavy rig? Most reviews I find are either jeeps or mall crawlers. Thanks.


So when are you going to find me a deal on a utility box or flat bed that I can't resist!!!?? haha :drool:

ToolBox Guy

So when are you going to find me a deal on a utility box or flat bed that I can't resist!!!?? haha :drool:

Are you ready?!?

I can make you all the parts for a flatbed...Cheap. you can put it together, wire it, paint it, and mount it yourself. Let me work up a price.

ToolBox Guy

Awesome looking, functional rig. Little off topic, but how do you like the trail grapplers on a heavy rig? Most reviews I find are either jeeps or mall crawlers. Thanks.

At first I liked them. Now I hate them. LOL!

It's strange, they have worn worse on the front of my truck than they have the rear. Not sure if it is the weight or an alignment issue or something else, but I have not been happy with the wear mileage.


Toolbox guy, you have any pics of what you're talking about? If I could get it for close to what I could sell my bed for I'd be all over it too!!


great looking truck. A set up like this with the 4 door truck and a utility bed and camper is one of the only setups id want to get instead of my suburban, looking forward to more pics.

ToolBox Guy

Thanks for the compliments guys!!

I will try to post some pics tomorrow of some different truck beds that we have built.


Well-known member
Curious, do you guys build any side boxes out of aluminum or only steel? Have a project in mind... :)

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