235 85 and 265 75 are the exact same height. The 265 us just an inch wider. I love the look on my near stock height Xterra. Yours has enough kuft they might look too skinny.
Ha you are right. They are the same height... Didn't even think about that when I typed it.
The current tires have an unknown age and mileage. They are cracking quite a bit so the age must be pretty high. My last trip out at the end of the run, the tires started to chunk, along with chunks ready to come off. Plus my alignment is off and the front end has some severe positive camber after a 2000mile road trip. The front two are worn past the indicators from the positive camber but the rears are salvageable. I'm going to rotate to try and prolong the life a tad bit more. A change will be necessary though quite soon.
I am a fan of the way the Duratracs look with more of an actual A/T tread pattern and shoulder, and have heard good things about them. But I love the well tested longevity and bulletproof build of the BFGs... it still pains me when the total cost is added up.