BUYERS GUIDE - Mid 90's 4x4 Mitsubishi Canters


Hey all,

Loving this forum!!!

Now on to my question... I am looking at purchasing a mid 90's Canter 4x4 (Australia) to build a family hard shell tourer on. I'm hoping for a run down on any issues, problems or things to look out for please?

If this has already been discussed I couldn't find it sorry, perhaps a moderator could direct me and move this thread along... if not, any advise would be greatly appreciated.

What to look out for... engine, gearbox, places for rust or cracking of chassis, etc.? Suitable prices for fixing common issues, etc.?
Thanks in advance!


Crazy Person
Suitable prices for fixing common issues, etc.?

One thing I have noticed is that spare parts for an Isuzu are considerably cheaper than equivalent parts for a Fuso.
If you are planning on refurbishing a truck, that maybe something you need to take into consideration. That said, Alan normally has access to cheaper Fuso parts for older models, should you need them.


Thanks SkiFreak,

Initial purchase price for the Isuzu seems a fair bit more expensive though... apparently ride is a bit better, but only later model vehicles can run super singles so I have heard.


Crazy Person
A mate of mine has a 2002 model Isuzu with ATW super singles and parabolics.
Maybe you are right, but I cannot see why super singles cannot be fitted to an earlier model than his.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
A mate of mine has a 2002 model Isuzu with ATW super singles and parabolics.
Maybe you are right, but I cannot see why super singles cannot be fitted to an earlier model than his.

Hi Owen,

ATW do :
Single Wheel Conversions for ALL model Isuzu NPS and Fuso FG/Canter.
Parabolics for ALL Fuso FG/Canter but only Isuzu NPS from '08 onwards.
Auto Torque Bias front diffs for ALL model Isuzu NPS and Fuso FG/Canter too.

Chosen, my advice to you is give Jon E. a call at ATW and get all your pricing and availability confirmed by him. He's a really nice guy and will be very helpful. Tell him you have come from this forum.

If you really want a mid'90s model truck......You couldn't go past a good 4.2litre FG637 fitted with those ATW bits and an aftermarket turbo from Superior Turbos or possibly Turbo Glide. Be aware of anything with a lot of k's on the clock. 300k'ks is about when they need some money spent on them......especially if they've been used commercially over that life. That said there are plenty around with 500k'ks still going strong but I bet they've had work.... a gearbox overhaul could be $5k so be aware if it's jumping out of gear or any weird noises. They all whine like mad at speed from the transfer case gear so don't be too alarmed by that. Look for cracks in the chassis around the suspension hangers and especially where the fuel tank bolts through. Very rare to find rust in a cab unless they have done a lot of beach or mining. Rust in a chassis is more common but still not the end of the world. Bottom line I guess, find a mechanic that knows these trucks and get it checked out if possible. Where are you based?

Hey Owen....hope that snow hangs around. Should see you in 3 weeks.
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Am based in Mount Gambier, SA... Thanks for all the information. I'll give him a call. Is there much that can be done about the noise in the FG637 at speed?

canter tourer

Is there much that can be done about the noise in the FG637 at speed?

not joking, but ear plugs make a difference on the highway:) but only until I get around to stripping my cab and fitting the sound deadening I bought ages ago, I'm time poor:(

but, I love my truck and couldn't see myself without one!


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Well, my mate got parabolics fitted to an '02 Isuzu, so it is possible.

Got a board ready for you mate, so I'll try my hardest to turn you into a shredder. :)

Hi Chosen, .....when I said they all whine, I mean every model Canter not just the 637. Sound proofing is worthwhile if you do it yourself.

Hi Owen, ....already got a board. Extra flexy unlike me. Haha. Just got to get some boots now.
Yeah, there were a couple of early NPS done but they were so much trouble to do I doubt they will again. That's why I say confirm with Jon E.


Hi Chosen, .....when I said they all whine, I mean every model Canter not just the 637. Sound proofing is worthwhile if you do it yourself.

Can't be as noisy as my mates Unimog... soooooo much metal spinning around under his vehicle makes for a fair bit of noise! Or can it?

Anyone know the clearance under these vehicles after the singles (17.5 + large 37.something rubber) are on, then the difference of the parabolic lift as well?



Crazy Person
soooooo much metal spinning around under his vehicle makes for a fair bit of noise!

That's one of the joys of having straight cut gears in a portal axle. You definitely get better ground clearance but it's a trade off against quite on road travel.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Can't be as noisy as my mates Unimog... soooooo much metal spinning around under his vehicle makes for a fair bit of noise! Or can it?

Anyone know the clearance under these vehicles after the singles (17.5 + large 37.something rubber) are on, then the difference of the parabolic lift as well?

No...not as bad a typical mog like a U1700 or U1300 or similar. The U500's are much better though.
An FG637 with parabolics and 19.5" x 36" Toyo M608z's should have about 500mm under the transfercase at a rough guess.


Great to know... that is good... thanks guys!

I've began the process of researching the methods for a chassis mounting system that allows flex, however one of the issues I note is that these chassis are built to have a semi-stiff tray placed on them. Without the tray they can become uncomfortable to drive on due to too much twist. Is this something that you have come across of and are there any ways that people have experimented with strengthening the chassis rails without passing on the stresses into the camper body?


Crazy Person
Without the tray they can become uncomfortable to drive on due to too much twist.

Sure... without some form of restraint the chassis will twist more than it is designed to do, but uncomfortable? I don't think so. Where did you hear that?

If you are putting a camper on the back of a Fuso, be it a slide-on or a fixed body, you need something rigid to stop the camper body twisting, as that would result in all sorts of things breaking.
The simple solution is to have a design that has a separation from the chassis and the body.
Mounting systems for Fusos have been done to death on this forum. If you read through these posts you will quickly see the pros and cons of each system.
I would argue (as I have in the past) that a spring mount system is the preferred method for these trucks.


Thanks again... off I go to explore the vast banks of knowledge in this place...

Heard it from an engineer friend.

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