'95 Disco oil pump question


So I'm heading out to look at a '95 Disco that sounds too good to be true. The mechanic who is selling it for the lady says the only thing wrong with it is the oil pump is starting to get weak. I'm a Jeep guy and not really familiar with Land Rovers. I can turn a wrench on unfamiliar vehicles if I have a decent shop manual. How difficult of a task is it replace? He says other than that, he's rebuilt the motor, repaired all rust and stuff like that. He has painted the roof, but not the rest. He says the interior needs to be freshened up but there aren't any tears. The rest of it needs to be painted as well.

Here's his CL ad.

I have put 15k into the vehicle including rebuilding the engine, the only thing I didn't replace is the oil pump and now it's getting weak. The lady says it has to go so it is going cheap. It has new tires and I have an extra set of wheels for another $250. I don't expect it to last long at this price. It runs and drives and has a new A/C compressor to boot. There are a few things left that need to be done to it, but it's pretty well finished. $1675


For $1600 it might not be much of a risk. You could get most of your money back parting it out.

I would be hesitant to trust this guys wrenching skills. If you spend 15k rebuilding a rover engine it better have all brand new parts off the dealer shelves.
I would bet $7 that he was chasing a low oil pressure problem and couldn't find it so he is just saying the pump is weak.


Beware on the serpentine driven engines such as the '95. The oil pump either works or it doesn't…there is no such thing as a weak pump. A cracked pump or even a clogged pick-up in the sump maybe…but not a weak pump. Its most likely bearings if it has low pressure. I would start with mains and rods since you can do that with the motor in the car. After that you are looking @ cam bearings so I would pull it but other then that you don't get low pressure. Good luck!


Who rebuilds a rover engine and doesn't redo the oil pump? That ranks up there with not doing the heads.

Heck, who rebuilds ANY engine and doesn't do an oil pump?

Agreed - sounds a bit hinky, but at the price if the rest of the truck looks good you can afford some guessing games on the engine.


Heck, who rebuilds ANY engine and doesn't do an oil pump?

That was one of my concerns. You have to wonder about the quality of the rest of the work he's done. I haven't had time to get out to look at it. Maybe this weekend.

Thanks for everyone's replies.

LR Max

Local Oaf
Ok so you know about that portion. What else did this guy do a crappy job on?

I'd be looking at everything. Heck I'd be pulling the plugs on the diffs and crap and looking at the oil and checking wheel bearings.

There is a small chance that he is actually telling the whole story. If he is, then cool, go for it. But just keep that in mind.


id also say its somthing wrong with some bearings, if not a blocked pickup.. but either way damage will have been done, im assuming as your in usa a 95 will be v8? i dont know alot about those specifically if it was a tdi id say camshaft rear bearings

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