That statement confuses me. Neither is built for "work" that I can tell. If they were they'd be more spartan and simple with higher payloads. Like a Hilux (maybe), or HD truck. Pickups in the US are mostly bought for everyday commuting.
I thought the same regarding that statement. Tundra may have a work grade trim available, but all the ad's and marketing says it's just a bigger version of the Tacoma. Look at the Tundra page. There are exactly zero pictures of the truck on a work site. But many pictures of hauling a toy hauler, camping, fishing, etc. Tundra is not purpose built for "Work."

2025 Toyota Tundra |
Dare to venture farther with the all-new 2025 Tundra. More than a hardworking pickup, the 2025 Tundra is built to take you on far-out adventures that leave you with unforgettable memories.