Mercedes LAF 1113 B family truck


yes Cristian thats true, the moviment you have whit this cain of solutions is quite big, if you plan to build a heavy home its beter another solution, my truck has not rear stabilizer bar and is allways "dancing"


yes Cristian thats true, the moviment you have whit this cain of solutions is quite big, if you plan to build a heavy home its beter another solution, my truck has not rear stabilizer bar and is allways "dancing"
True! But I was also referring to the gearshift, the steering column, pedals etc. Which means that I need the subframe and chassis to have the least movement up front.


Will be interested in the air pressures that you run. I have been running my pressures a bit high because of the lack of safety beads on the rims.
I’ll check, but it was pure guesswork. When I got the wheels they were at 9.5 bar or 137 psi!!! It drove terribly!!!


Well I have been toying a bit more in Fusion360, and found out how to simulate stress forces.
That meant a few design changes!

The pictures are of the subframe alone since I can simulate the stresses on that without the need of the chassis.

First picture shows a load of 15.000N (3.372lb) evenly distributed over the subframe, with the subframe in fixed constraints up front, and firctionless constraints in the back, to simulate the airbags.

Second picture has the two fixed mounts up front, but all the force on one frictionless mount in the back. Deformation is 13.27mm (0.52")...

These calculations doesn't take a lot of things in to account, such as the rigidity of the box etc...

What do you guys think?Stress 3.jpgStress 4.jpg


New member
Christian, first congratulation for your truck, in my opinion the most charmin one .
My name is Eckhard, I'm from Argentina, and I been looking for a 4x4 truck for the last 3 years, here, in my country they are not very common, only a few imported, used, from Germany fire Dpt. i.e., And still in use here, with 30 years and 50.000km in it..
A month ago I found one, 600km from my place, but, because the quarantine is impossible to reach that place and bought it. Is 3,6m wheel base, the only option imported.....
My idea is like yours, a cab over, but the main entrance, door, will be one of the rear door, more useful place in the camper.
Camper mount, I will go for one of your first option, rail on rail, remember is short wheelbase, and for bad road, not to much off-road.
One question about this kind of model 1113laf and differential lock , the vendor told me that the truck doesn't has any kind, front, rear... I know later models has, i.e. Mb 1120 a tilt cab model This one is also on sale. To have and idea, there are no more than a couple every few months.

I will follow your post for ideas and thank you for take the time for posting.


Christian, first congratulation for your truck, in my opinion the most charmin one .
My name is Eckhard, I'm from Argentina, and I been looking for a 4x4 truck for the last 3 years, here, in my country they are not very common, only a few imported, used, from Germany fire Dpt. i.e., And still in use here, with 30 years and 50.000km in it..
A month ago I found one, 600km from my place, but, because the quarantine is impossible to reach that place and bought it. Is 3,6m wheel base, the only option imported.....
My idea is like yours, a cab over, but the main entrance, door, will be one of the rear door, more useful place in the camper.
Camper mount, I will go for one of your first option, rail on rail, remember is short wheelbase, and for bad road, not to much off-road.
One question about this kind of model 1113laf and differential lock , the vendor told me that the truck doesn't has any kind, front, rear... I know later models has, i.e. Mb 1120 a tilt cab model This one is also on sale. To have and idea, there are no more than a couple every few months.

I will follow your post for ideas and thank you for take the time for posting.

Thanks Eckhard!

Mine's ex-german firefighter too.
It has diff lock in the rear axle, a lot of them do, it should be possible to find one.
I have no idea of priscing in Argentina, but you could look in Germany on to name a place...
Good hunting! They are really cool trucks!


New member
Thanks Eckhard!

Mine's ex-german firefighter too.
It has diff lock in the rear axle, a lot of them do, it should be possible to find one.
I have no idea of priscing in Argentina, but you could look in Germany on to name a place...
Good hunting! They are really cool trucks!

Thanks Christian.

Here, in Argentina, is not an option to import truck spares as a private consumer, if the truck doesn't has diff lock, there's nothing I can do...

Please, tell me about your tires sizes, rpm, cruising speed and diff ratio.

Thank you for your time and sorry for my English.




I would be amazed if it's 4x4 that bit doesn't have at least a rear difflock.

As the vendor to send pictures of the pneumatic turn knobs down by the base of the year stick.

We have been travelling in South America for 3 years now and have seen thousands of 1113's and 911' s in every country.

I would havectjought sourcing parts to repair or add a door lock would have been relatively simple.

Good luck with your choices



I was wondering on the statement regarding "So I finally got the truck registered! That took forever and was ridiculously expensive!". I guess you registred the truck as a campervan, - since normal trucks will not demand a registrations fee as normal sub 3,5 ton cars do? Or was it just expenses to fix techical issues?


Active member
Very nice linkage, and nice that you support the weight on two different locations.
Are you planning the same in the rear?
Since you have chosen the pivot point about centerline chassis how is that going to work out with your pedals and steering cab penetration, There is side to side and up and down movement.
Do you assume that the line of frame flex is in the vertical center of the frame?
Are you designing the hard point halfway in between the front and rear axle?

Trying to do the same with a 404 and school bus top.
attached a pic of our last 4 month trip cross country with an Mercedes SLF city bus.
We maxed out on the "off road" capability of out Dory
Trona Pinacles, we took the southern road in.
Death valley , intersection saline valley road and hunter mountain, entered from southern side.



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Very nice linkage, and nice that you support the weight on two different locations.
Are you planning the same in the rear?
Since you have chosen the pivot point about centerline chassis how is that going to work out with your pedals and steering cab penetration, There is side to side and up and down movement.
Do you assume that the line of frame flex is in the vertical center of the frame?
Are you designing the hard point halfway in between the front and rear axle?

Trying to do the same with a 404 and school bus top.
attached a pic of our last 4 month trip cross country with an Mercedes SLF city bus.
We maxed out on the "off road" capability of out Dory
Trona Pinacles, we took the southern road in.
Death valley , intersection saline valley road and hunter mountain, entered from southern side.

Sorry for the very late reply!
The superstructure i.e. cab and living quarters are mounted on the original position up front. This is almost inline with the pedals and steering shaft transversely, so I don't expect any additional movement there.


Well… where to begin…

Long story short on the hibernation part of the project is, that we found our dream place! I won’t say house, because we already built our dream house, but the location was not the dream site.
So we moved from that, to an old runddown house, no barn, no shop, but 7.5ac of wilderness with streams, old threes etc.
So I had to build a new shop, get the house livable all while having a bit of fun with the family, being a Scout leadee, and having a full time job.

But! There has been a lot of progress on the truck.
The subframe has been made (and remade), and works.
The box, that I planned to make out of sandwich panels, has changed.
I got an old Volvo (1965?) bus for free. The body, which was made in Norway was aluminum sheets on a aluminum profile skeleton, sort of like planes used to be made. And I loved that it wasn’t a slap-sided box, it fits the cab much better aesthetically.
Just this weekend I tackled some of the rust in the cab.IMG_2057.jpeg


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