Awesome composition and crop of that exquisitely exposed image. Terrific photo. Tell us how you did it!
Thanks Nate-
It's nothing very glamorous I'm afraid. I'm standing about 3 feet under the branch, looking straight up. Focal length 70mm. (70-200 f4). Completely overcast sky, but the petals are softly back-lit which is what caught my eye.
I overexposed by almost 2 stops- 1/80 sec exposure at f4.5. I bracketed a couple lower, but was surprised by how much overexposure was actually needed. Did take me several shots to get the comp I liked.

- gusts of wind etc.
High- Key images are harder to find,I think, because the subject has to be well lit and quite bright in tonal values. Here I cheated by using a lot of negative space to emphasize the tapering lines of the branches
Converted to B and W in Lightroom, with a very tiny bit of sepia highlight. Sharpened and slightly cropped. Here's the original.