Why not a Hummer?

Ron B

well -- I have had some pretty bad luck owning vehicles in the past and I don't go trolling in other threads bashing them (but then again, that would be 1st hand experience...unlike much of the bashing which is pure conjecture).

That being said, I don't really mind a negative comment that is given by someone with experience and really understands what he/she is saying. A problem arises when most negative comments come from people who hate a vehicle because of the few owners they've bumped into and/or buy into the bs hype about mpg, being as wide as a city bus or say they are not designed to be taken offroad based on surfing youtube.


Ron B

Please explain this tool you speak of? I was just going to pull the shaft (LOL) out and then open the hatch cover and slide it out that way. I am going to do some PM's on the truck and then take it out of service for 5 months to get down to the nitty gritty :)

Do you know when the AMG Homecoming is? AMG 20yr Aniversary? I just have to go to that :)

A buddy of mine did the conversion a while back and made a tool to pull the gear out without taking the whole side off. I think basically it's the end of a halfshaft to screw into the gear...I shouldn't speak out of turn though. I heard there was something available to help (maybe that's what he copied?). Travis at RD will know the best as he does these all the time. Thank god I live too far way from Travis or I'd be broke!!


Opinion, or?

That being said, I don't really mind a negative comment that is given by someone with experience and really understands what he/she is saying. A problem arises when most negative comments come from people who hate a vehicle because of the few owners they've bumped into and/or buy into the bs hype about mpg, being as wide as a city bus or say they are not designed to be taken offroad based on surfing youtube.


Opinions are like _________ and everyone has one, good, bad or indifferent people all have opinions, where it gets stirred up is when the assumption of one bashing, or hating a vehicle for one reason or another comes into play.

If it offends learn to let it go and enjoy life!


Perhaps, HUMMER needs it's own forum to curb some of the neg opinions of them by others.

Are negative opinions really so bad? I picked my vehicles for my reasons, people can say what they want about them(and they do, I got crap for my truck at the bar the other night, and don't even get me started on my hippy friend's opinions of my "dirt bike"). I don't see that it really matters, honestly. Their negative viewpoint doesn't change my vehicles usefulness for me. Their viewpoint is their own, and in many cases is valid from their point of view. I think my dodge is too big, my dad's jeep is too big and too expensive, my friend's hyundai is too expensive and too complicated, and my motorcycle is the perfect size and cost. In my opinion all that is true, you may disagree, which is your opinion.

If it works for you, use it. If it doesn't work for you, change it. Seems simple enough to me.
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Ron B

to be honest, I rarely see hummer bashing here...just a lot of misinformed opinionated people (which we all happen to be) which most often gives the opportunity to set the record straight and give a side they may not have considered.

I do not think we need a hummer forum -- I like the idea of being lumped in with everyone else because I can and do appreciate all trucks. There are forums on the web for all makes/models to get more specific info on any particular vehicle, this website (to me) is primarily about the journey and the ability/desire to take a journey, gear and vehicle comes second.



Hummer H1 Camper

This came through town a few years ago... was sitting on 38" Super Swampers... cool looking rig IMHO.


I saw that rig in Lacombe last summer.
My wife said that would be as close to a motorhome as she'd ever want.

I believe the tag said "HOMMER" if I remember.


Expedition Leader
Wow what a camper. I don't think I would have done that to a Humvee but I sure admire the workmanship and imagination that went into that build.

goin camping

This came through town a few years ago... was sitting on 38" Super Swampers... cool looking rig IMHO.
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Wow! That's a heckuva set up.

I've never owned, driven or rode in an Real Hummer but I sat in one. Does that make me an internet expert?

I noticed the seats were pretty narrow and the vehicle is pretty wide. A Hummer like any rig either works for you or it doesn't. Life is too short to drive something you don't like so get what you want and enjoy.

Ron B

Wow! That's a heckuva set up.

I've never owned, driven or rode in an Real Hummer but I sat in one. Does that make me an internet expert? ...I noticed the seats were pretty narrow and the vehicle is pretty wide.

nope! First hand experience saying the seats are narrow -- they are. All the drivetrain is tucked up in the center tunnel for ground clearance not leaving too much space for occupants. The trucks are wide but not really as big as most think.

That camper is interesting -- looks like a serious wheelbase stretch!


New member
I'm guessing this thread in very dead based on the date but I'm going to chime in anyway...

In 2000-2001 my dad took an H1 Wagon to Prudhoe Bay on the north cost of Alaska then turned around and drove it to Tierra Del Fuego at the bottom of Argentina. When he was planning it I kept telling him to take a Land Cruiser for ease of repair and reliability and comfort and so on but he's an old US Army Green Beret and really wanted to get and take an H1. Anyway, it worked really well for him. I joined him for part of South America. My brother and his wife joined him for the Amazon. We all had a great time. There are more comfortable vehicles (Toyotas) but there are less (Defender 110). There are more reliable vehicles (Toyota) but there are less (Old Defenders). It's really not too wide for most things (but too wide for some) and its certainly got enough space to take what you need for Overlanding/Expedition travel. They have a lot of payload capacity and more space for gear than people think. The seats are small for anyone other than the driver but the wagon has a decent amount of room and you can put a lot on top of the truck because it's wide and build to carry things up there like Tow Missiles and things. LOL. Some of it's a taste thing but if you like Hummers they are certainly capable.d1.jpgd2.jpgd3.jpgd4.jpgd5.jpg


Thanks for sharing that Fletcher. I'd love to have an H1 or even an H2.
Our shop was just getting Hummers in a couple years before I got out.
I was and am still amazed what they would do.

While in Kuwait, one of our guys topped his of with gasoline and made it quite a few miles before it quit on his team.
The contracted maintenance guys from Doha fetched it, took it back. They drained the tank and purged the system with diesel and said "Come get it!". Other than electrical issues, they were great.


Space Monkey
I drive a Suburban and have taken it many places in the southwest that are very remote and never had any problems. When I started everyone said that I was too wide, too long, too tall and not enough ground clearance. 50,000+ hard miles in the desert and two drives up to Alaska later, it is still my daily driver, still my weekend warrior and I will get in it just the way it sits and drive anywhere in the world even with my kids.

Hummers, H1 HMMWVs share the same audience. They are phenomenal trucks, overland and world expedition ready as they are. However they are not practical from an average uneducated consumer's point of view. Yet the same people boast how amazing M1078 is for the same expedition and world travel.

They are really cool trucks that have a bad reputation from the people that bash them without ever owning or driving one.


New member
Yeah, Hummers (and other full sized trucks/SUVs) aren’t for everyone and have some challenges (cost of maintenance /parts) that don’t make them ideal... but they’re certainly a lot of fun if you can deal with the cons. Funny thing, when Hummers were first available they where considered so wide compare to other full sized trucks... now they are basically the same width as an F-150 Raport. Large is a little different these days than it was in the 90s.
Incidentally, i inherited my dads H1 and have spent the last couple of years rebuilding it. My intention is to use it just like my dad did. My brother and I have been talking about repeating his trip from Alaska to Argentina. We’ll probably do a lot of other trips closer to home too. But I’ll post more when we actually do some

Here is an example of “too wide” in Moab last October. Rock Sliders can help in some cases!


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