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  1. Shagaroo

    2WD Overland Thread

    I lost my Xterra to a distracted driver in January. Ever since I have been driving myself crazy trying to decide what to get to replace it. I came to this same realization and am moving to a 2WD later today. A Dodge Durango. We seldom have snow, usually ice, and I don't know the last time I...
  2. Shagaroo

    Any advice? Lexus GX470 or Nissan Xterra or Pathfinder

    Until a month ago I had an '05 Xterra. Great vehicle, loved it. Drove it for 6 years. Here are the weak points of the Gen 2's. Up until about 2010 the radiators have a problem of going bad and taking the transmission with it. Referred to as the SMOD, (strawberry milkshake of death.) If the...
  3. Shagaroo

    Gauging Interest- WilderNest Trailer Project

    Don't suppose you plan to be towing that trailer anywhere near Georgia do you? :sombrero:
  4. Shagaroo

    Post your tents

    Wouldn't surprise me. Just assumed they were same size.
  5. Shagaroo

    Post your tents

    You could make a fair business out of selling and shipping those rainflys to Americans. People in the UK as well. Never understood why they won't sell those in the states.
  6. Shagaroo

    Homemade RTT??????

    Some links to old Popular Mechanic and Popular Science plans for RTT.
  7. Shagaroo

    My first child is on the way!

    Congrats. My wife and I wheeled until she was just past 4 months then my wife's doctor gave us a big fat Heck No! He said the concern was not so much for the baby physically since it is protected by the amniotic sac, but for placenta detachment. He wasn't real happy about the 2 or 3 trips in...
  8. Shagaroo

    Baby Carriers

    We have the Infantino Flip Carrier. Wearable in 3 configurations. Baby front, facing parent. Baby front, facing out. Baby on back. We like it, and it is not absurdly priced. Well made.
  9. Shagaroo

    77 Dodge Troop Sleeper

    Not mine, came across on Craigslist... Looks interesting.
  10. Shagaroo

    Advice: Best choice for overland trip video recording?

    Kodak. Zi8 or Playsport. Zi8 has more options, like an external mic jack, but the Playsport can take a beating and is waterproof to 10 feet. Both HD. On my Playsport, if I turn off the electronic image stabilization and mount it solid on the dash it gives a pretty good driving video. Both...
  11. Shagaroo

    Need a good lighter for camping

    Find a local cigar shop. They will mostly likely have a selection of $5 to $10 single or triple flame torch lighters that will last as long as the expensive ones listed and are refillable. Can't beat a triple flame torch.