Mine is 1966 M416, when I was looking I just wished I could found one like you have=NICE. I paid US$1400, and spent so far $ 650 plus my labor to get to this day. see my thread= http://www.expeditionportal.com/forum/threads/131046-M416-reconditioning-to-Army-Specs thanks for your interest.=brian l
Time to rebuild roof, not saving rot.
Check out Thread: Scoutman's 'new' Starcraft Pine Mtn on Dodge 3500, seems he had the same roof problem. Remove the roof and copy and rebuild new. just my FYI=brian
I got mine via Ebay=Walmart for $13.99 free shipping to local FedX. Item=Camco 42183 RV Screen Door Cross Bar Camper 5th Wheel Motorhome Grip Handle . Ck out Walmart.com for this item. FYI=brian
Hinges and lift handle
Installed unpainted hinges and lift handle, Now to finish paint on the top, hinges & handle with the 2nd coat of OD, The hinges must be flat to fit side of trailer & lid. I followed Fiberglass M416/M100 Military-style Trailer Tub Kit thread= by JSCHERB post #392...
Building a lid/top for M416
Well I tried a plywood top with a hinge down the middle (front to back), covered with a tarp to keep the inside dry. Then I tried a truck tonneu cover cut to size fiberglass , way to heavy at 50lbs. Then I used 4" U channel aluminun with 1.5 legs , its light weight...
Has anyone throught about using truck hood hinges instead of struts. My Chevy Truck hood is heavy and it seem the spring loaded hinges lift it fine. Just FYI=brian
Screen door handle
Added a inside screen door handle, I'm tired of grabbing the plastic slide on the screen door and ripping it out of the track. from Ebay/Walmart and easy to install.=brian
Very nice combo, I noticed no door or rear window ? You may want to remove the jacks and save some weight unless you remove the camper after each trip? You will have fun with a well made rig.=brian.
More info on lid build
Started to add the hinges, however this is what the tub seal looks like, I think this will stop dirt and water from invading the interior of the trailer. What I like about this lid build is it light weight and no struts needed, I will be using a car hood rod to prop it...
Primed & painted top
Well, I sealed and riveted the Top aluminum to the outer frame, and used self etching primer, then Painted first coat of OD paint. Next Rubber seal between top and tub, add the hinges and locks. Close to finish,=brian
Found decal on Ebay, to get the model "M416" list info in notes on bid. from seller 1moparts, item# 381212006855. .
Like= Note to seller: Please change 4x4 to M416.
just FYI=brian
Those brake sets are left and right only.
If you installed the axle 180 degrees off, brake magnets will not work to stop the trailer. You may pull a brake drum to check. Or do what Martyn said and If you jack the trailer up so one wheel is off the ground, apply the brakes, and try to spin...
more done to top
Added 1x1 sq center cross bracing and test fit top aluminum. The top aluminum was purchased pre-painted white on one side. Next drill perimeter for rivits, seal and glue top to frame. add hinges and locks. Total weight with top and X braces as of now is 29lbs.
Run one Positive 10G wire from your engine aux battery to the camper input wire. And run a 10G wire from the camper to any truck Grd. Unless you plan on removing the camper after every trip?? Then your best with a 2 pole connector. How many wires on the camper input side?? If 3 wires, one is...
I would hook up blue to pos & blk to grd at trailer plug, the beep possible is LP leak warning sensor, Lights, water pump,12V refrig, and charge to 12V/110V convertor if you have a battery inside camper. Try this??? =brian