Thank you for reduplicating the posts instead of just deleting them.
I enjoy the research and info you have offered in this and other threads.
Some want simple. Others may want to swim in the info to determine what is best for them.
It seems that the...
Thank you.
I saw stumbled upon their website before. I will give them another look and send them an email.
I have a feeling I will need to remove my canvas and send it to them for an exact matchup ... not looking forward to that.
Are you putting a whole new top (hard ceiling) with the canvas?
Who are you having do the work?
I am hoping to do this in the future to an old Provan Tiger. A new top/canvas might be more modern/efficient, but I will do the canvas at least.
Thanks Mike,
I tried to provide as much info as practicable ... but, even (rightly) so, I still get questions for info I didn't provide in my otherwise lengthy ad :-)
The Tiger is VERY well value priced, IMHO.
I *think* financing is an obstacle for some based on it's age.
Ok good folks, I will get off my butt and attend more directly to the sale of **MY** Tiger CX.
It was graciously posted twice before in this non-members area ... but i will take full possession now and prep a proper Portal ad tomorrow.
I thought my CX was sold early on, but the buyer...
Ok good folks, I will get off my butt and attend more directly to the sale of **MY** Tiger CX.
It was graciously posted twice before in this non-members area ... but i will take full possession now and prep a proper Portal ad tomorrow.
I thought my CX was sold early on, but the buyer...
I also tried to buy the Hackney RV (again) ... timing is everything.
Nah, I'm not a hatin', much ... :)
Best of luck with the new rig!
Ya still need the cases.?
A buddy sold his Beemer RT (2007) ... But, ... still had the cases and just offered them to me for my pristine Transalp that I sold a month ago ...
If you still want/need them, PM me.
I saw one in person and had the opportunity to take a good look at it. It was the owner's demonstration vehicle that was just passed on to a 'preferred' client. It was very slick, and I was told the company and designs keep evolving as new ideas come in.
Unfortunately, at the time, I was...
Congratulations on the the exceptional build. It has been an inspiration for me, and probably many on ExPo.
If the stars align, maybe Paul/James could both lend their expertise on my soon come RTW retirement build.
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