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  1. Clark White

    A week of photos, San Miguel de Allende

    Thanks all! It was a great place, and I'm already looking forward to going back when I have a chance. I was really hoping I would be able to stop by the Munoz ranch near Guanajuato where I stayed a few nights on the motorcycle in January, but that just wasn't in the cards. Next for sure, I have...
  2. Clark White

    A week of photos, San Miguel de Allende

    Elsanne, the ex-Salamat member who puts this thing on every 18 months or so And of course the closing performance and the whole reason I was there, Troupe Salamat starting off with my beautiful Ustadza Afterwards we went out for dinner, and a little girl wanted her picture taken with the...
  3. Clark White

    A week of photos, San Miguel de Allende

    I'm a little behind on getting this up, but a few weeks ago I went to San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato Mexico. I was tagging along with my girl friend and her belly dance troupe, Salamat, from here in Prescott. We were headed down for Belibeya, which is an international belly dance festival...
  4. Clark White

    Portrait Shots (show us your best)

    Thanks! I think it's my favorite too. I have a couple more of him, but I think that one has the best expression on his face. Clark
  5. Clark White

    Time-lapse from 64° North

    Iceland is a place I must explore in depth before I dye...everything I see come from there is just so incredible!
  6. Clark White

    Portrait Shots (show us your best)

    This last week at a belly dance convention in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Beggar in San Miguel de Allende Little girl who wanted her picture taken with the girls who were all dressed up for a belly dance show Katarina, one of the original American Belly Dancers, still dancing and...
  7. Clark White

    GoPro Hero 3

    The biggest difference I see between the 2 (what I have) and the 3 to make me want to upgrade, is that the 3 comes with a flat lens. If you never use yours underwater this is meaningless, but as anyone who has tried to use their GoPro 1 or 2 underwater will understand, this is a huge...
  8. Clark White

    Google´s $249 Chromebook

    If Apple sued and won because someone else's phone had similarly rounded corners to the iPhone, I wonder what they are going to say about that thing. Closed it's different, but open that is pretty dang close, and the keyboard/pad are identical...though personally I'm ashamed as an apple user...
  9. Clark White

    campsite pics..lets see um

    This last weekend south of Prescott Clark
  10. Clark White

    2013 EXPEDITION PORTAL CALENDAR - Time to submit your photos!

    Hey Brian! Whats the deadline for submitting? Clark
  11. Clark White

    Portrait Shots (show us your best)

    First time doing a portrait shoot and using a defuser. My best friend just got engaged and asked if I would do their engagement photo's, so even though it was way outside my experience range, how could I say no to my best friend or such a pretty less when they are one in the same...
  12. Clark White

    Camera case for 35 slr?....

    I use this one from Promaster. Fits a 5D MKII with the 24-105 L (big) lens perfectly. Obviously can't carry much else, but it fits spare battery, memory card, cleaning stuff, and a few other things just right for when I just want something simple for the day...
  13. Clark White

    Compilation of my last few weekends...

    Last weekend a couple of us got to jump in the trucks and go explore. We didn't go too wild, but it was still a blast! View of Prescott from the Mt. Union Look Out Tower Lunch at Old Dandrea Ranch Ust and I took a nap in the hammock strung between my bumper and a tree We can't agree on...
  14. Clark White

    Compilation of my last few weekends...

    So I have been trying to keep playing with the camera, but for the last few weeks I have been entirely too busy to enjoy much. I have still used the camera some, but haven't had any chance to post anything up. I'm posting this in photography since it's more a jumble of images from the last few...
  15. Clark White

    Star Trails - Night on the move

    So after looking for this thread for the last 10min (I had no idea what the name was) I realize my pictures aren't really trails...but I'm also not the only one to post non trails star photo's, so it still works! Took these while camping last week. Thanks to all the darn trees (I know, it's a...
  16. Clark White

    campsite pics..lets see um

    Taken on an impromptu camping trip with friend James, fire light only, no moon. Clark
  17. Clark White

    pro photog uses iPhone to cover the Olympics

    The photo's are good, and do a good job in conveying the feeling of the event. However, they also do not match up to the photo's listed in this other ExPo posting... I applaud Dan Chung for doing it that way though! Clark
  18. Clark White

    Photo Critiqing Thread

    Sweet! Learn something new every day! I had been going to sharing and get a link, which doesn't go that large. Thanks! Clark