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  1. tgil

    My Journey

    "Everything I need to know I learned from my dog: When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy"- Author Unknown Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  2. tgil

    My Journey

    "It turned out not be a cave...and you know what, we really didn't care" I can see why! Adventure after adventure, it seems like suffering through the cold nights is worth it! Tanner is a model hound, in multiple ways! Such a handsome fella!
  3. tgil

    My Journey

    One of the pics you posted yesterday morning (rock had holes and depressions) made me think of Valley of Fire SP, outside Vegas. It's amazing what wind and erosion can do! Lighting doesn't do this justice. Hundreds, maybe thousands of holes here. Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  4. tgil

    My Journey

    Kind of cool, kind of un-nerving that a big cat was in the area while you were. What did Tanner think about the longhorns? Cows are Scout's favorite critter. There is a small pasture, close to home, with longhorns. She watches for them every time we drive by there.
  5. tgil

    My Journey

    I was thinking the pics of the Nautilus were pretty amazing, but adding Tanner set them off! Tanner Boy excels at the job you gave him!
  6. tgil

    Maggiolina Adventure hard shell roof tent for sale - Roswell, GA

    I dig it! I wish I could figure out a less permanent, yet road-worthy way to attach it to the top of my JKU. Down the road, I plan on a Gladiator, but I still have a couple of more years in what I have. Bump for ya!
  7. tgil

    My Journey

    Scout acts the exact same way, any time she can find even the smallest patch of snow!
  8. tgil

    My Journey

    I see it now. First image I saw favored ancients more-so.
  9. tgil

    My Journey

    To my knowledge, there is no Native American in my bloodline, but I wouldn't mind one bit to be adopted by them! I've admired their ways since I was old enough to know the difference! Now off to search for images that resemble the rock formation you mentioned so many pages pack! I don't think...
  10. tgil

    My Journey

    Another question popped in my head, while reading today. I assume you carry a daypack? What goes in it when you and Tanner set out for a day of exploring? How much water for each? Protein bars for you? What keeps Tanner going on the long treks? I'm not a good planner for this type stuff...
  11. tgil

    My Journey

    Happy Thanksgiving Jerry and Tanner! Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  12. tgil

    My Journey

    Jerry, I've been meaning to ask what you use to track your miles? Don't figure you for the new fandangled smart watch type? GPS? Old school pedometer? Same phone you take all of your pics with?[emoji848] Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  13. tgil

    My Journey

    Such beautiful landscapes in the desert! I don't get to travel and see the places you do, but each time I read about dogs not being allowed on trails in our NPs, it really irritates me! There must be a way to get this changed? Someone on this thread knows what the process is? Enlighten me...
  14. tgil

    My Journey

    For me, the gondola is the main draw to Telluride. I intended to hike to Bridal Veil Falls, while there in Sept, but there was so little water, I decided to wait. Scout wasn't sure about those steps, but I can generally coax her out of her comfort zone. Jerry, few more pics of Scout. Pardon the...
  15. tgil

    My Journey

    I meant to ask, Jerry, did you and Tanner ride the gondola in Telluride? Scout seems to enjoy it! Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  16. tgil

    My Journey

    While in Ouray, we ate at The Gold Belt Bar and Grill, several times. They allow dogs on their patio! Handlebars in Silverton also had a patio that allowed Scout to join us. The perimeter trail is supposed to be a "must" while in Ouray. I will have to do it when I don't have company that weighs...
  17. tgil

    My Journey

    Your impression of Silverton surprises me, some. Seeing your pics, you must've been through there 2-3 weeks behind us. I found most of the shop owners to be friendly. There is a t-shirt type place called Fetch's and an art gallery/store that both really drew me in with kindness and...
  18. tgil

    My Journey

    We may have been in the San Juans about the same time? Love that area, just hate the drive getting there! Can't wait to see where else you went while in the area! Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  19. tgil

    My Journey

    Was all of Mesa Verde open? I was going to take my daughter there, in July, but much of it was still closed. I enjoyed it so much as a kid, I wanted to take her to experience it as well.
  20. tgil

    My Journey

    Tanner boy! Love the look they get when they know the fun is about to begin!