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  1. C

    Vanity: my LC80 is aging.

    Yup you're right, I spend a lot of time on Mud. You can fix almost anything with the help of Mud, but there are A LOT of things to go wrong with the 80's, and lots of very finicky emissions equipment. I love mine though, it's a love hate relationship, much more love than hate though ;)
  2. C

    Any practical use or need for heavy chain?

    Grade 70 should be a yellow - goldish color. I have never seen grade 70 in that gray metal color. You wouldn't catch me using that to pull anything too heavy. Could be used for general use though.
  3. C

    Vanity: my LC80 is aging.

    I'll be back in love with it once I get the speedo / speed sensor figured out, power windows to move without helping them along, power window switch, figure out what is draining the battery, and determine why it idles so low when warmed up..... all electrical BS as far as I can tell.
  4. C

    Vanity: my LC80 is aging.

    IMO 80's don't lack in the looks department, 60's are better yet. 100's need mods to look appealing. My 80 is really being a PITA lately though, every sensor and other electronic gizmo has been acting up as of late. I said it before, there is too much wiring in these bad boys, too many...
  5. C

    North Face Aero Head 4 season tent for sale

    What are the poles made out of? Footprint for it by chance? Any idea on what this bad boy weighs, tent body, poles, and fly?
  6. C

    Any info on old 4x4 Winnebago?

    864x4rv, sure if it's not too mcuh trouble, pop up some pics. I would be interested to see this beast.
  7. C

    Diesel Conversion kit thoughts....

    any news on the pricing package from TLC yet? It seems like a phenomenal engine, but curious to see how it stacks up price wise vs sourcing a factory Toyota diesel. I'd love to put one of the 3.0's in a piggie.
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    Nemo GoGo tent

    looks promising, is this everyone's top pick for bivy style tent? I have looked at these super lights tents for a long time too: What do you all do with your pack (assuming you are backpacking / canoe portage camping) at night? I always liked having my pack in a vestibule...
  9. C

    Nemo GoGo tent

    be interested to see what you think of that bad boy, I'm in the market for an uber light 1 man.
  10. C

    Any info on old 4x4 Winnebago?

    Awesome info, thanks a ton.
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    Any info on old 4x4 Winnebago?

    I located a Travco 270 that is somewhat near me. I will hopefully check it out in the next few weeks. kerry, any pointers on things to look for with the Travco? It's 40 years old so I guess I can expect anything and everything to need repairing or replacing. I just wasn't sure if they had...
  12. C

    Any info on old 4x4 Winnebago?

    I have been doing some research and it definitely seems a good idea to sty awy from the old stick and aluminum builds, thatnks for the neads up. It appears there are a few desirable older RV's out there, Travco, Barth, FMC, Airstream, and some Foretravels. The old Travcos are neat looking IMO...
  13. C

    Any info on old 4x4 Winnebago?

    Checking out some info on Travcos now, interesting stuff.
  14. C

    Any info on old 4x4 Winnebago?

    thanks for the replies gentlemen. I assumed it would be drum brakes on the front, and the pictures confirm it. Looks like a Dana 60 front as was stated, and I do have experience with the old closed knuckle axles. Definitely need to be ripped out vs converting IMO. Owner sent me underside...
  15. C

    Any info on old 4x4 Winnebago?

    So I've always had this dream of trying to live and travel for an extended period of time in a camper of some sort. Although I'd love to have a camper Mog or some other exotic rig, the $$$ just isnt there. Enter the old camper / RV possibility. I randomly surf craigslist for interesting RV's...
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    Best Foul Weather RTT

    maytag, I'd be interested in what you had in mind for an awning for a Maggi.
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    Best Foul Weather RTT

    The Maggiolinas are rock solid in bad weather in my experience. I would assume the Columbus' are as well. I have often wondered if I should have gotten a larger tent like an Ezi Awn, but am happy using the Maggiolina, it's like a bomb shelter as far as RTT's go.. I haven been meaning to rig...
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    SRAM 9.0 Trigger shifters

    PM'ed back, thanks.
  19. C

    Men's Smith Optics Cassius Polarized Sunglasses

    Sorry voyageur, sold to dirtysouth about 5 minutes after I bumped the thread.