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  1. BigDaveZJ

    my experience with GMRS so far

    Put the ground kit on the camper today. It's better than it was, but still not as good as the same antenna on the roof of the Jeep. I didn't like how much play there was with the 2 piece radials either, so I left them off and that probably contributed to the lack of performance increase. Also...
  2. BigDaveZJ

    my experience with GMRS so far

    Is this site working for anyone else? I remember it being finicky at best when I was playing around with it a few months ago, but getting nothing but error messages now.
  3. BigDaveZJ

    my experience with GMRS so far

    That's exactly who I intended on using, but I hadn't seen that model. Thanks!
  4. BigDaveZJ

    my experience with GMRS so far

    I've used all 3 styles and noticed a decent improvement going from the stock little mag mount up to the whips. I don't have the 32", but the older Midland whip, and it has been working great for me. I should have tried the ghost antenna (again, not Midlands, got a Browning before Midland...
  5. BigDaveZJ

    my experience with GMRS so far

    Been playing around with ground plane some more. A buddy of mine 3.5 miles away picked up some GMRS units to use on Boy Scout trips, so we've been testing out our setups. There's a pretty substantial hill in between us, definitely no line of sight. With the antenna on my camper I can't pick...
  6. BigDaveZJ

    HAM and CB on FS roads

    That's fair. I usually try to monitor for other groups on trails where passing oncoming traffic can be a challenge, i.e. Wheeler Lake. So there is merit to the idea, but there is really not a set channel anyone uses. Last summer I was stuck behind a couple guys pulling wide loads on 285...
  7. BigDaveZJ

    HAM and CB on FS roads

    I usually just have mine set to scan as it's not always a consistent channel that other groups are using. That being said, I have literally never encountered an oncoming logging truck in 20 years and thousands of FS road miles in CO and UT.
  8. BigDaveZJ

    weBoost 4G-X Review

    These have been of interest to me as well. I see them all the time on the oil workers' trucks in WY and CO, but with the bigger antennas. If they're using them, I figure they have to at least somewhat work. I'd like to try one out at my boondock spot to see if it works before committing $500...
  9. BigDaveZJ

    Radio Comms - Multiple Sources (Beginner wanting to learn and get started)

    The groups I normally wheel with use CB, but we're working on moving over to GMRS. I have CB and GMRS in both Jeeps and the tow rig, although the installs are not as clean as I would like. I want all 3, CB, GMRS, and Ham, in at least my Jeep and tow rig though. And fitting 3 radios in one rig...
  10. BigDaveZJ

    my experience with GMRS so far

    Good to know, thanks for the info! Hadn't heard about this unit coming out, but I will definitely be looking forward to it as I still need to purchase a couple more units and really like the MXT275 style mic where I can remote mount the radio. Will there be any handhelds coming out that work...
  11. BigDaveZJ

    my experience with GMRS so far

    I'm finding myself wanting more than my Midlands can provide . . . mainly access to the repeaters along the Front Range that the Midlands are not compatible with as they cannot do "split codes." Debating between sticking with my Midland stuff as it serves most of its purpose well and getting...
  12. BigDaveZJ

    JK Steering Upgrades

    Looks like I was able to get the DW fixed. Replaced half of the drag link and adjusted the toe, seems to be doing much better now. I think at some point in our Moab trip she bent the tie rod a bit as it was toed in too far.
  13. BigDaveZJ

    ZJ pics request
  14. BigDaveZJ

    my experience with GMRS so far

    Good info on the Cat6, I don't keep up on that stuff at all. Should make for stealthier installs when I get around to doing it a little more permanently in my truck.
  15. BigDaveZJ

    my experience with GMRS so far

    So I'm trying to get a little more permanent mounting solution for the radio in my truck. It's currently just stashed in the center console. I'd like to remote mount them behind the back seat or something and have a better place to connect the mic to. It looks like connector is just a regular...
  16. BigDaveZJ

    JK Steering Upgrades

    Definitely. Being my wife's Jeep she is much more particular about that stuff than I am. I usually just go to 3 or 4 ugga ugga's on the impact on my ZJ, lol.
  17. BigDaveZJ

    JK Steering Upgrades

    I think I was a little unclear in the original post. All of the TRE's on the Jeep are original, I have not yet replaced any of them. One of them (drag link to knuckle) is obviously shot, vertical movement when moving the steering wheel. The two on the tie rod are on the looser side, but they...
  18. BigDaveZJ

    JK Steering Upgrades

    Kinda what I figured. Have a new TRE on the way, hopefully that cures it.
  19. BigDaveZJ

    JK Steering Upgrades

    So there's a ton of JKs on here and only one response. Does that mean the factory steering should easily be able to hold up to 35's and I just have a part that wore out prematurely? Obviously replacing just the worn TRE is much cheaper than the Currie kit, but if the factory parts aren't up to...
  20. BigDaveZJ

    JK Steering Upgrades

    My wife's 2015 JKUR has already eaten through a couple of the OEM TRE's with roughly 25k on the Jeep. Certainly hasn't lived the easiest life, so I can't complain too much, but I figured rather than throw more stock parts at it I'd upgrade the steering a bit. Currently has the AEV 2.5" Dual...